the word "satanic" gets thrown around a lot
What exactly do you mean?
Theres a Church of Satan founded in the 70s by LaVey that has nothing to do with the "Satan" you know from a bible.
For them Satan is just a life force, nature, maybe the dark side of nature but nonetheless.
Indulgence, as long as you harm none. Eye for an eye type morality as well.
Any "rituals" were just publicity stunts. These are called "Religious Satanists" and are the most common self proclaimed satanists.
The actual Christian Satanists, who worship the devil as we know it in the bible, are called Theists satanists adn are very very rare. Even when you think you find one you soon find its just for publicity.
"LaVey's teachings are based on individualism, self-indulgence, and 'eye for an eye' morality, with influence from Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand; while its rituals and magic draw heavily from occultists such as Aleister Crowley. They do not worship—nor believe in—the Devil or a Christian notion of Satan. The word 'Satan' comes from the Hebrew word for "adversary" and originated from the Abrahamic faiths, being traditionally applied to an angel. Church of Satan adherents see themselves as truth-seekers, adversaries and skeptics of the religious world around them." 1
so there are two basic definitions
Theistic Satanist: One who worships the Christian devil. Although the Christian Churches taught during the Renaissance that devil worshipers were very common, such individuals were in fact quite rare, and remain so.
Religious Satanist: One who accepts Satan as a pre-Christian life-principle worth emulating. They follow a number of religious traditions, of which the largest by far is the Church of Satan.
As for Crowley he was just a jet setting, young, daredevil, playboy, filthy rich kid who traveled anywhere and everywhere, including inside Egyptian Pyramids. Sure he fancied himself as an egyptian evoker of the dead. And he wrote books about it.