Listen guys, i can honestly say that no one here actualy gets me pissed off exept this fa_ggot nadtwist.I mean get yourt fucking heads out your ass and read his posts, analyze them, break them down, synthesisze them for what they really are.Nadtwist is bad for the RR, how can you vets not realize this?I am very insulted he was accepted and not torn to shreds by you guys.I still think yall are just being nice to him cuz hes so god damned nice and humble..yet there is this part of me that asks if yall genuinly like him and his posts..and that scares me. The only way to find out is issuing an ultimatum, put the proverbial gun to your heads.Either denounce nadtwist and expose your true feelings of hatred for this bland ass wipe or i will no longer grace you with my time on this forum.And this is nofucking joke, if you choose him overme i will leave forever fuck it.