OK I am going to go down the Patriot list again. Well, this never comes out good. But I need to vent after seeing this BS.
Patriot act - Some far right christian wierdo bullshit of course we should get rid of it. This shit is so far fucking right. I'm talking JP far right. None of you noobs are really this far right. You hate this shit too.
2.4 Trillion tax increase- Not really. Why dont we just get rid of the Bermuda tax loop and roll back some of the stuff Bush did. Thats all I'm saying. Stop stealing. We don't have to raise taxes.
Higher gas prices - What a cute comment coming from a party that has done everyting possible to destroy alternative fuel methods. Well even without that shit I dont see how we could fuck this up worse than the pubs. Let's face it, you guys have really fucked this shit up! I know you cats are like, oh Clinton. He did that blow job shit but Fuck me man. I miss that 1.04 gas and shit. STFU noob dont ever bring up gas again.
Impeachment and investigations - Wtf. Funnel millions to Ken Starr over nothing. What. So you can have some jerk off material?! OHHH BILLY GOT HIS DICK SUCKED. OHHHH. Get over it.
Ethics - Too vague. No one is laughing.
Higher spending pet projects - The war in Iraq. It costs a shit load of money. Dont get pissed because Democrat spending habits > Republican spending habits.
Prescription drug program - You guys monopolized this for profit? You're their cheerleaders, and you dont get a dime of it kid.
Qualified judges - You put lol'ito on the bench. Not me.
One million barrels of oil per day - another famous pub fuck up. YOU ruined the alternative energy sources, not us. You dont see a red cent of this gas only bullshit. Again, the cheerleaders are at work here.
Political infighting - OK. I'll give you that. But y'all started it.