ISO: Starter Workout Routine


New member
Dec 27, 2005
Looking for help from tRX. I am going to start working out for the 1st time since I was in college. I am 29, smoke, drink, high blood pressure, high this, high that. In search of a basic routine to do at the gym where I won't fall over and build up some stamina. Just looking to get in a little better shape but I'm not overweight, just too many years of destroying my body. Excercise bike, tread mill, swimming? Thanks for any advice-


to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
swimming, without a doubt, would be great to start with. if you havent been active in a while its a real low impact way to get your body back in shape and works all of your muscles. swimming is a very under rated excercise. starting off with the treadmill can be hard on the joints, tho still a very young guy, inactive joints are inactive joints and it would be easiest on your body if you started out with the water resistance. swimming and even running/jogging in water is a great workout.

as far as the weight routine, should u be looking to get into one, start with very low weight and high reps on shoulders, arms, back, chest, legs and so on. obviously im not certain of where u are now and what your goal is, but i work out a decent amount and would be more than happy to talk about things with u from diet, to excercises, to whatever else it may be you are looking for.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
np bud....just make sure its nto a one time thing. the problem with a lot of peolpe, and even moreso gamblers, is we/they love immidiate returns. things like this take time but i guarantee that by mid August, if you wanted, you could be doing a lot of things you didnt think you would be able to and/or look as sharp as you want. many routines and things you can do. but setting up short term goals, as far as excersing goes, is the best way to reach long term. and by long term i dont mean bvy next year...just two months and you can see huge differences if u like.



Aug 10, 2005
It's been a couple of years myself since I worked out on a regular basis and now that I have the time I plan on getting back into it. I usually find a nice quiet spot like the aerobics room when it's not in use and start out with my stretching and stomach exercises. It's also a good way to get my lazy ass to the health club. I tell myself just go there and lay there and then decide if you want to work out or not. Getting to the health club is the hardest part. Once your there you'll work out. I do about 20-40 minutes of stretching and work on my stomach.. Then maybe about 5 minutes on a stationary bike just to loosen up a little more. Then I go on the weight machines. No more free weights for me at my advanced age. I tried that a few times and it will usually aggravate my lower back. Then I usually go on the treadmill for at least 20 - 40 minutes. Depends on what kind of shape your in. It's recommended that you get your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes. Then I usually cool down with some more gentle stretches for 5 to 10 minutes. I agree with mofome that swimming is really great for you. Exercises a lot of muscles without much stress. I don't usually do it though because I have trouble with my left ear when I get water in it.

When you first start back take it slow and don't burn yourself out. It's also a good message to send to your subconscious. See that wasn't so bad.

Good luck and good health.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I am with you guys! Have'nt gone in 9 months and by total coicidence of this thread, I am startting back tommorow. really looking forward to it.

My best advice is to just ask one of the trainers if there is a work out plan he can give to you. He'll probaby ask your goals and how much you would like to put in to it.

I've been on 4 day, 5 day and 6 day. Nautilus and free weight plans. Plans with little cardio and plans with a lot.

I think this time I will ask for something full body that goes 3 days with 1 to 1.5 hour sessions. that way I can go in on the other days when I get lazy on a certain muscle group. Or feel like doing cardio or whatever.

Usually the trainers have these sheets ready to go to hand out to you.

Good luck !!! :)

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
One more thing, if you want to stop drinking. Cut back on your caffiene and that way you wont crave it as much.

I still smoke, but I make it a point to always leave them home so I am not tempted to go outside and have one.

Use this as a calorie guide.

Split up into small meals through out the day. If you are tired from working out and eating something every few hours, you are less tempted to drink. Plus this is just generally a better way to eat.

New member
Jun 20, 2001
If you really have done nothing athletic in years, go very slow(easy to say hard to do). The worst thing you can do is get into a routine for a couple of weeks and feel good one day and overdue it and hurt yourself. Then you have to wait until you heal and start all over. The hardest part of working out is the first 3 weeks, after that it is like brushing your teeth, it becomes a habit. So don't relive the first 3 weeks over again, by over doing it early.

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