I understand the meaning of this election. An African American president is a big step for the African American Race because of our country's past. But I can't seem to understand why Blacks are getting so excited. The way it is being portrayed is that they believe that all of their problems will be resolved. I give big props to Obama because he deserves this. But African Americans have to understand that he is not the president to change only their lives but he wants to change the shape of the country. In all of his policies he does not really say anything about giving things to African Americans to help shape the country. I could understand the crying and the praising last night but today people have to get back to reality. All of us still have to go to work or school or whatever it is you do. Maybe Obama being president will help kick start many African Americans to go to school, go work hard, and become a politician because anything is truely possible in this country. But all of the lazy African American will be the first to realize that Obama will not change their lives but he wants to change the country.