Is the US Treasury aka Tim Geithner producing money...(US notes, coins, mints, whatever...etc)


bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Since the so-called "economic scientist" refuses to answer this simple question in his own thread, there is a need to have this question in open public discussion.

As the "economic scientist" is stating, US Treasury aka Tim Geithner is responsible to producing US money such as US notes, coins, mints...etc.

The question is:

If Tim Geithner is capable of printing the money, why does he need the "money"???

Why does he have to sell US Treasury notes for money?

Why CAN'T he just print the money off the printer? Isn't it something he is capable off?

I'm so sorry if this thread bothers any of you.

Like I said, I'm a immigrant. I've been living in this country for 20+ yrs. Even though I'm a legal US citizen now, I do realize that I have a lot to learn.

I'm working for a Finance & Insurance Co in the Midwest for 15 yrs. To my knowledge, fiat money is initiated from Federal Reverse - Ben Bernanke.

Today, I just found out that is not the case. So please enlighten me.

Any inputs would be appreciated.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I tried to tell you this 100 times in the last debate and you wouldn't listen.

Congress sets a budget... then the Fed, Primary Dealers, and Treasury get together to figure out how to best allocate the Govt debt (treasuries and bills) to handle the new money being spent. The treasury can't just pay whoever they want, they simply are told where and who to write checks to. There is nothing stopping the Treasury from making any payment what so ever. They don't have an account with a limit. Their limit comes from Congress. It is a human limit set by Congress to regulate themselves, aka the debt ceiling.

If a teacher needs to be paid, the teachers gets paid. They don't need to have funds in the bank to make the payment. They simply credit the teachers demand account. Now the $4 trillion the Govt spent in 2011 will be used to purchase up all the "debt" it created. Who purchases the majority of treasury's? The Primary Dealers... what are the Primary Dealers? Banks! Where do banks get their money? From us. So when the Government credits our bank accounts by $4 trillion, the banks all of a sudden have a lot of money to play with.

That is why our debt never seems to stop and will never stop. I mean think about it logically and it all makes sense.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Hey, fuck you Alaskan piece of shit,

That's not the question I asked:

I just asked a simple question:

Who prints the money:

A- US Treasury aka Tim Geithner

B- Federal Reserve aka Ben Bernanke.

50/50 chance.

Take your answer kid.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Hey, fuck you Alaskan piece of shit,

That's not the question I asked:

I just asked a simple question:

Who prints the money:

A- US Treasury aka Tim Geithner

B- Federal Reserve aka Ben Bernanke.

50/50 chance.

Take your answer kid.

Lol, that's a nonsensical question. The US Treasury is responsible for physically producing currency. But that doesn't matter. They can't just create money whenever they want.

If you still ask the same question after reading this, I will have to come to the conclusion that you are just too dumb for this conversation.

[FONT=geneva, arial, sans-serif]What is the primary function of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing? [/FONT]
[FONT=geneva, arial, sans-serif]The mission of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is to serve as the Federal Government's most secure and efficient source of vital Government securities. The BEP manufactures the financial and other securities of the United States. Accordingly, the BEP designs, prints, and furnishes a large variety of security products, including Federal Reserve Notes, Treasury securities, identification cards, naturalization certificates, and other special security documents.
[FONT=geneva, arial, sans-serif]

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Oh btw,

Liberal/ or commie comrades feel free to enlighten me as well:

Who prints the money:

A- US Treasury aka Tim Geithner

B- Federal Reserve aka Ben Bernanke.

50/50 chance

It's like 1/2 chance.

I mean, seriously, we're all in gambling forum, that's the best odd you can get.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Hey Alaskan piece of shit,

It's a simple question:

Who prints the money?

A- US Treasury - Tim Geithner

B- Federal Reserve - Ben Bernanke

I've been reading financial stuffs for 15 yrs and I still do everyday. So save your crap for your mother.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006

You already said that Tim Geithner is the one who printed the money.

Now tell me?

Why he needs to print money and US Treasury at the same time you stupid fuck?

New member
Oct 19, 2007

You already said that Tim Geithner is the one who printed the money.

Now tell me?

Why he needs to print money and US Treasury at the same time you stupid fuck?

Because every dollar in existence (not including bank loans) is backed by an interest bearing debt (aka Treasuries and T-Bills). I've told you the answer 100 times. If you haven't gotten it by now, then I don't know what else to tell you. Ben Bernanke doesn't print your money!

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
I think you need to bring out your comrades, your family relative, your commie friends in college as well as your stupid professors to figure this question.

Who prints the money?

A- US Treasury - Tim Geithner

B- Federal Reserve - Ben Bernanke

Basically, your answer would be either A or B.

Is that too difficult for economic scientist?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
i think you need to bring out your comrades, your family relative, your commie friends in college as well as your stupid professors to figure this question.

Who prints the money?

A- us treasury - tim geithner

b- federal reserve - ben bernanke

basically, your answer would be either a or b.

Is that too difficult for economic scientist?


bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006

Now read my question in opening post and get back to me.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
If Tim Geithner is capable of printing the money, why does he need the "money"???
He doesn't need money

Why does he have to sell US Treasury notes for money?
To control monetary policy and the demand for money being spent. $1 = $1 in debt. That should tell you something

Why CAN'T he just print the money off the printer? Isn't it something he is capable off?
Because Congress has to tell him where and what he can spend. After that he can just print money off the printer. The thing is currency issuance is a very minor part of the Treasury. Almost the entire system is done through computers. Only 900 billion dollars in actual currency exists.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
You're as dumb as it gets.

Let say I performed a tax consulting for Tim Geithner and I want to get pay in cash.

What would he do to pay me?

PS: I don't want the check. Fuck I hate check. I'm a cash guy.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You're as dumb as it gets.

Let say I performed a tax consulting for Tim Geithner and I want to get pay in cash.

What would he do to pay me?

PS: I don't want the check. Fuck I hate check. I'm a cash guy.

Do you realize that you are talking like you are mentally challenged right now? What do you mean check/cash? The Treasury doesn't send cash through the mail. They either send you a check or credit your bank account.

Are you drinking snoop a loop!!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Here is a perfect explanation of what the Fed does. Notice how it does not say anything about "printing money".

Monetary policy refers to the actions taken by the Federal Reserve to influence the availability and cost of money and credit to help promote the nation’s economic goal of non-inflationary growth. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the Federal Reserve responsibility for setting monetary policy.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the 12-member group, that formulates monetary policy for the Federal Reserve System, meets in Washington, D.C., usually eight times a year. At these meetings, the Committee reviews economic and financial conditions, determines the appropriate stance of monetary policy, and assesses the risks to its long-run goals of price stability and sustainable economic growth.

The Federal Reserve influences the economy through the market for balances that depository institutions maintain in their accounts at Federal Reserve banks. Banks keep reserves at Federal Reserve banks to meet reserve requirements and to clear financial transactions.

Transactions in the federal funds market allow depository institutions with reserve balances in excess of reserve requirements to sell reserves to institutions with reserve deficiencies at an interest rate known as the fed funds rate. The FOMC sets the target for the fed funds rate at a level it believes will foster financial and monetary conditions consistent with achieving its monetary policy objectives and adjusts that target in line with evolving economic developments.
See the FOMC section below for more detailed information and the New York Fed’s role.

The Fed uses three tools to implement monetary policy, the most important being open market operations. These “domestic operations” are conducted for the System only by the New York Fed under direction of the FOMC. Through open market operations, the Fed buys or sells U.S. Treasury securities in the secondary market to produce a desired level of bank reserves. These securities are held in the System’s portfolio, which is known as the System Open Market Account or “SOMA.”

The “primary dealers,” designated by the New York Fed, serve as its counterparties in open market operations and other securities transactions. The Fed adds extra credit to the banking system when it buys Treasury securities from the dealers and drains credit when it sells to the dealers. As the laws of supply and demand take over in the reserves market, the cost of funds for the remaining reserves finds its level at the federal funds rate.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006

I know you're trying hard to deflect the question

I want cash for my service for Tim.

Cash = US notes = coins

I'll take coins, even thou they're heavy as shit.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Hey AK,

Save your textbook for your mom.

I've been there, read those. So thanks.

Now answer the question above.

New member
Oct 19, 2007

I know you're trying hard to deflect the question

I want cash for my service for Tim.

Cash = US notes = coins

I'll take coins, even thou they're heavy as shit.

Lol, I hope other people are reading this. This is funny shit!! What in the hell are you talking about?? You mean do an actual service for Tim, like mow his lawn, or you talking about a service for the country in which the Govt owes you money?

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