Is Saddam still in Iraq?
Jazz New member Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 3,854 Tokens Mar 22, 2003 #2 Sorry, my answer is 'I don't know'.
radiofreecostarica New member Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 2,299 Tokens Mar 22, 2003 #3 don't lie. you know.
oldmantime Old Fart Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 2,395 Tokens Mar 22, 2003 #4 I would think the General would know over us simple ass privates or unenlisted ones.
oldmantime Old Fart Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 2,395 Tokens Mar 22, 2003 #5 Now I did hear "a rumor" that he's opening a sportsbook offshore with 100% matching binus to pay for this war effort!! But have heard so many lies--some of this is getting hard to believe.
Now I did hear "a rumor" that he's opening a sportsbook offshore with 100% matching binus to pay for this war effort!! But have heard so many lies--some of this is getting hard to believe.
Mar 22, 2003 #7 general figures, that would be typical of his cowardice -- refuse to leave when threatened, than, leave when your country is invaded. first Iraq, then France
general figures, that would be typical of his cowardice -- refuse to leave when threatened, than, leave when your country is invaded. first Iraq, then France
BIG-MAC New member Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 36 Tokens Mar 22, 2003 #11 Gen.i hope him & sons are wounded so bad they wish they were dead.
roadreeler57 Member Joined Oct 30, 2006 Messages 40,111 Tokens Aug 1, 2009 #12 <embed id="VideoPlayback" src="" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>
<embed id="VideoPlayback" src="" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>
mplastered Member Joined Nov 2, 2008 Messages 10,451 Tokens Aug 1, 2009 #13 March of 03. That's some digging.