Its just so stupid Louie to make a post like that.
Do you really want the forum to follow your advice on 1 game thats not even lined yet with a team? C'Mon... Yoyre a trend guy who constantly loses..
Youre so bad that you never even post any plays in the contest here...???
You post one game a month or less? WTF? Theres hundreds of games and you cant cap any of them except ONE TREND?
If Your trends were so good then you should have one for every game every week and post 16 of them per week???
In addition your non-capping bullshit is so bad, you cant even apply it to College games?
You dont understand what capping means and if you did you would be able to place bets on college and NFL each week.
You DonT and YOU CANT> so the only hits you will get on this thread is viewers looking to see how ridiculous your post is and why you posted it.