This is a classic depiction of what happens when people are selfish and self absorbed. I think that an environmental movement is fine, not on the legislative level, but individually. Everyone should think about ways to reduce waste and pollution on an individual level. But that is just the problem, how do you convince people to think about things worldly like this (and over-population being one of them) if they wont even work and support a family they created? Im not saying that these people in the crowd yesterday are all like that, but the reality is, the poor tend to vote democrat. If those people dont care from who or how the next SSI/Welfare check, food stamps, subsidized housing, LIHEAP, etc etc comes, do you think they are going to care the long term costs of pollution and over population?
The sad truth is once you start bailing out the failing businesses just like you have done so to the failing American, its a vicious cycle that will never cease, because it keeps feeding on itself. What lies in the wake of this carnage will be a worthless dollar, mounting debts/deficits, and cherry picking of individual liberty and freedom. I at least hope Obama inspires people to look at themselves differently. Hes a bright man, maybe, just maybe people will begin to see the light, but im pessimistic. People are dumb sheep. And what is most likely to happen is this guy will be a centrist and the mob rule mentality will prevail, and the government will become everyone's answer to everything. Long live the King.