You know how dyslexia causes people to inverse letters or words?
Well I think libexia causes people to see everything in the political arena ass-backwards, that would explain a lot of the idiocy they spew
always inconsistent, on every issue, sometimes seemingly smart people say the dumbest things
the most recent example being them arguing Trump is violating the constitution by trying to enforce immigration laws. Either they simply have no idea what the Constitution is, or they know what it is but they just interpret EVERYTHING ABOUT IT BACKWARDS
We need to find a cure, maybe we can redirect some of those therapy sessions they need to attend because some conservative was allowed to speak somewhere
Well I think libexia causes people to see everything in the political arena ass-backwards, that would explain a lot of the idiocy they spew
always inconsistent, on every issue, sometimes seemingly smart people say the dumbest things
the most recent example being them arguing Trump is violating the constitution by trying to enforce immigration laws. Either they simply have no idea what the Constitution is, or they know what it is but they just interpret EVERYTHING ABOUT IT BACKWARDS
We need to find a cure, maybe we can redirect some of those therapy sessions they need to attend because some conservative was allowed to speak somewhere