I find it extremely funny that people make comments like we dont want socialized medicine in the United States. All of the negative comments on the affordable care act. Take a minute to look at the other side of the coin.
Here are reason why I support the general concept. Can it be improved....of course.
First of all lets be very clear ....we already have socialized health care in the United States.....the only problem is that you have to be part of an elite group to get it.....its called being a senior citizen.
The second complaint is the cost. Like health care hasn't been rising before the Affordable Care Act. The main way to curb cost is to have a reality check. As a society you can expect to pay $2 billion dollars and expect $3 billion in services. You have to have people pay for insurance and get what they pay for. If you want the bare bone monthly payment so you can vacation in Cancun and drink shots great. But maybe your bare bone medical plan doesn't include elective type surgery like a knee replacement. Maybe you should have spent your money differently
How could you possibly argue that being able to have my kids in grad school on my health care is a bad thing? Before the Affordable Care Act that was not possible.
This is my biggest reason for support. All three of my kids have pre existing medical. After paying for health insurance my entire life for my family I was denied insurance because of one of their pre existing conditions. Are you kidding me....you want to protect those rich executives at the insurance companies. Hey when you are healthy and we are making money off you I will take your monthly payment. Now we have to pay out and may have to continue paying out....hit the road Jack. I dont want them to forced in their careers to work for a large employer with big company insurance or for a city, state or federal government. Their career choices shouldnt be based on a pre existing condition.
The solution in my mind is a basic no frills coverage for everyone in this country. You pay a small deductible with every visit....if there is no fee it will be abused. Then after that you buy some sort of supplemental coverage with varying amounts of coverage and things covered. If you dont have that coverage and you need that service your options are cash or no service.
For those on Medicare lets look in the mirror. You never paid in enough in your working days to cover your costs now. You are basically asking your grandkids to foot the bill for you. For that matter anyone under the age of about 30 didnt pay enough taxes in their lifetime so we should increase the taxes on their social security income and have a make up tax on those over 30 and use it to pay off the debt but that is another subject. They ran up the debt....not the 20 year old kid working to pay for college. This is just not fair. Simple solution which it eventually will come to...less things will be covered by medicare. Once again let the person or family make choices. I saw a 60 Minute episode and a 78 year old guy with a bad heart. Wanted the hospital to do everything to keep him alive. Even though they told him it could get ugly and he might be kept alive by machines. Not good for him or the family. Ending up dying 6 weeks later and ran up a large medical bill in the process. I wouldnt want to play God for him and his family. But if the options available were different than free the decision may have been different. Question is would he have said the same thing if there was some other requirement like .....we will do exactly as you wish but in turn all of your assets may be taken to pay off your medical bill and your family may get nothing. My guess is that his decision would be different and that he wouldn't have opted to take all action possible. Would have opted to die with respect and leave a little money for his family.
Of course there are other things that need changing in health care to get cost reduced. But the reality is we cant cover everything and expect a low cost, people need to be responsible for the choices they make (example you smoke...fine but your premiums will reflect this) and penalizing people that are born with conditions should not be allowed.
Here are reason why I support the general concept. Can it be improved....of course.
First of all lets be very clear ....we already have socialized health care in the United States.....the only problem is that you have to be part of an elite group to get it.....its called being a senior citizen.
The second complaint is the cost. Like health care hasn't been rising before the Affordable Care Act. The main way to curb cost is to have a reality check. As a society you can expect to pay $2 billion dollars and expect $3 billion in services. You have to have people pay for insurance and get what they pay for. If you want the bare bone monthly payment so you can vacation in Cancun and drink shots great. But maybe your bare bone medical plan doesn't include elective type surgery like a knee replacement. Maybe you should have spent your money differently
How could you possibly argue that being able to have my kids in grad school on my health care is a bad thing? Before the Affordable Care Act that was not possible.
This is my biggest reason for support. All three of my kids have pre existing medical. After paying for health insurance my entire life for my family I was denied insurance because of one of their pre existing conditions. Are you kidding me....you want to protect those rich executives at the insurance companies. Hey when you are healthy and we are making money off you I will take your monthly payment. Now we have to pay out and may have to continue paying out....hit the road Jack. I dont want them to forced in their careers to work for a large employer with big company insurance or for a city, state or federal government. Their career choices shouldnt be based on a pre existing condition.
The solution in my mind is a basic no frills coverage for everyone in this country. You pay a small deductible with every visit....if there is no fee it will be abused. Then after that you buy some sort of supplemental coverage with varying amounts of coverage and things covered. If you dont have that coverage and you need that service your options are cash or no service.
For those on Medicare lets look in the mirror. You never paid in enough in your working days to cover your costs now. You are basically asking your grandkids to foot the bill for you. For that matter anyone under the age of about 30 didnt pay enough taxes in their lifetime so we should increase the taxes on their social security income and have a make up tax on those over 30 and use it to pay off the debt but that is another subject. They ran up the debt....not the 20 year old kid working to pay for college. This is just not fair. Simple solution which it eventually will come to...less things will be covered by medicare. Once again let the person or family make choices. I saw a 60 Minute episode and a 78 year old guy with a bad heart. Wanted the hospital to do everything to keep him alive. Even though they told him it could get ugly and he might be kept alive by machines. Not good for him or the family. Ending up dying 6 weeks later and ran up a large medical bill in the process. I wouldnt want to play God for him and his family. But if the options available were different than free the decision may have been different. Question is would he have said the same thing if there was some other requirement like .....we will do exactly as you wish but in turn all of your assets may be taken to pay off your medical bill and your family may get nothing. My guess is that his decision would be different and that he wouldn't have opted to take all action possible. Would have opted to die with respect and leave a little money for his family.
Of course there are other things that need changing in health care to get cost reduced. But the reality is we cant cover everything and expect a low cost, people need to be responsible for the choices they make (example you smoke...fine but your premiums will reflect this) and penalizing people that are born with conditions should not be allowed.