Good point. The last time I was in Vegas was a 3 or 4 years ago and it was during the NBA playoffs. There was this guy in front of me in line in a suit, thinking he was pretty hot shit. Anyway, he put down a very big bet on the Pistons (they were playing the Cavs in Detroit). I don't remember exactly how much it was, but I remember thinking my $330 to win $300 was probably going to make them laugh after his wager. The next couple of hours was better than any comedy routine I've ever seen. The guy literally pulled his hair out with every made Cavs bucket. At the end of the game, when the Cavs won outright as a DD dog, he seriously looked like he was going to cry. He was pacing up and down, talking to someone on his cell phone and absolutely freaking out.
Moral of the story... sometimes "Joe Public" places really big wagers in Vegas, whether he can afford it or not. I am NOT saying that that's what happened with Purdue today, but I always think back to that guy whenever someone says something about a side getting hit hard in Vegas.