Money management is the most important thing. I dont know shit besides the NFL. Im not an NFL capper but I can pick some winners during the year. So when I feel good about a game and it matches great cappers then I know Im on the right side. I f my pick doesnt agree then I look for more information. If I tail in other sports then I drop my unit size to less than 1%. I wont make much and i wont lose much either. When the NFL gets here my unit size increases.
I know for a fact I cant pick and choose games in other sports tailing all different cappers. The best thing is to find a few and only play the games they agree on or pick one capper and play all his plays. There are many here that win consistently. Money management is the difference between winning and losing. Good luck.
there are many qualities and skills that should be with us when betting: patience, self-control, keep your mind clear and dont get nervous betting bigger amounts when you lose - go for a walk and refresh yourself; but the most important is Money management because the betting is like investing money. Search more in google and on the betting forums you will find a lot of information how to manage your funds