Posters - PLEASE show each other at least a small amount of courtesy when posting in any of The Sport Forums, all of this bickering and ridicule is getting tiresome and worse than that very counter-productive.
All of you are here to try to beat your bookies, not each other, so again please either post productively or use The Rubber Room if you want to post abusively or criticise your fellow posters.
Please try your best to help each other or if you can't do that than kindly leave well enough alone posters who you may disagree with.
The moderator team is spread fairly thin and has to depend upon you posters to report bashing. abusive posting and un-called for criticism or ridicule in any of our Sport Forums by using the "Report a Post" icon at the bottom left of all post boxes.
Violaters will be warned, repeat violaters will be placed on post review for for periods of time commensurate with the degree of bashing or abusive posting.
Eventually mutiple offenders who have been warned on several occasions will be banned from the site indefinitely.
Please use the "Report a Post" icon to report any bashing or out of line posting that either happens to you or any you see happening to others - it will be greatly appreciated by The Moderator team as well as the poster being abused. Reports will be acted upon promptly and with complete discretion. Simply click on the triangular icon at the bottom left hand corner of all post boxes.
Icon: All posts have this icon at bottom left.
Also any poster who sees something that appears to be out of line should feel free to contact any of the Rx. moderators (see list below) or use the report Post function icon above.
Using the icon will immediately generate an email with a link to the offending post to several moderators, one of which who upon receipt of the email will take immediate action and deal with the offending poster or posters. All you need to do is click on the icon and type one,two or maybe three simple words and click on SEND REPORT.
Those few words can be something along the lines of abusive poster, profane language, uncalled for bashing, unfair criticism etc.
When posters assist each other in such a manner then there is little chance that a poster will be on the receiving end of unfair bashing or abusive posting for very long.
Posters are also invited to email moderators individually if so desired. However this method for reporting abusive posting can be slower in obtaining results than using the report a post icon method.
All of The Rx. Moderators have new E-mail addys - please use any of these to contact The Rx. for any help you may need.
Thanks, wilheim
The entire moderator team is asking all of you to show some courtesy to each other. Everyone who is serious about betting on sports deserves to be allowed to post their own thread without being abused or ridiculed by other posters. This goes for veteran and newbie posters alike.
Do not get into an argument in any sport forum threads, simply report the out of line posts and a moderator will deal with it ASAP.
Any threads or posts that don't conform to this policy are subject to being moved to the Rubber Room entirely.
Thank you from the entire Mod Team..