How to get off Post Review.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
To get off Post Review.. <TABLE border=0 width="100%" bgColor=#cecece height=1><TBODY><TR><TD><HR height="1"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

On Post Review - take the following steps:

1. Email Wilheim at Title: Post Review.
2. Include your Rx. Poster Name spelled exactly as it appears in your posts..
3. Simply state I would like to be removed from Post Review.

Normally, you will hear back from us within 48 hours, additional information
may be requested.

Thank you, wilheim​

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Tokens Policy on Posting picks with lines..

When you post a pick please use numbers that are widely available at the time of you're post. WA or widley available lines make it easy for everyone to use the play. I have received several E-mails asking me to make an announcement.

Remember this is not a popularity contest but a handicapping forum - lets make it as easy as possible for everyone to participate. If you use free half point outs simply state so.

Laying -6 at 7AM yourself then posting that same pick at the same -6 when it is up to -7 or 7.5 by 4PM when you get a chance to post helps no one. There is no -6 to be had and -7 or -7.5 is a long way off -6.

The same goes for baseball posting a favorite at -125 when you played it the night before or early that morning and saying it is a play when the game is now -145 the afternoon of the game then your play does little good for anyone. Remember post the number that is widely available for all at the time of you're post.

Thanks, and best of luck, wil.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Check out the sticky threads in the various sport forums - they list most of the routine forum rules. Also read the agreement you sign when registering and lastly post in a civil manner..The does not like to ban or place posters on Post Review but this type of non-aggressive forum is our operating model. We do maintain The Rubber Room where the rules are much easier to follow (no death threats, hard core porn, and like everywhere else the use of real names of non-public figures is not allowed). We have thousands of posters who manage to have no difficulty at all simply be posting in a civil manner.

Unfortunately there are certain types of posters who become abusive with a keyboard and others out to scam innocent strangers they know they will never see in person from an encounter on a posting forum. Our entire Mod team does it's best to keep these boards as poster friendly and safe from scammers as possible. Post Review is a principle tool at our disposal.

Example of rules on posting picks:

Rx Policy regarding the posting of picks...New Posters please be careful of cappers who do not post honest seasonal win/lost records...

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To all Cappers who post picks here at The Recently some of the pick threads are getting out of hand regarding thread titles, undocumented claims, and are much to shill like.

Please adhere to the following simple policies when posting picks. (I know most of the veteran cappers here at The Rx already know this)..

1. Make no claims that have not been verified by a post prior to the start of each game in the claim that has not been recorded by a post here at The

2. Keep your thread titles reasonable (or they may get toned down by an edit by an Rx mod). Eg. Sunday's MLB selection or Today's Preseason-NFL Picks etc. are what we are looking for.
There is no need for posting outrageous claims or creating thread titles that contain undocumented records with unbetable amounts of units.

3. Keep in mind that a lot of inexperienced players read your posts. Please and make pick posts clear, concise and accurate so that all can count on the Rx cappers to post accurate information. Unverified posted records are subject to being moved to Site Promotions.

4. Cappers with at least 300 posts are welcome to use the Tracker Forum where your record of plays you post in that forum is maintained for you.
Please read the rules thread if you use the Rx.Tracker Forum. Only thread starters can post in their own threads in that forum so please do not post in anyone elses thread in the Tracker Forum...

Click on colored link to visit Tracker Forum.

5. Everyone has a bad day from time to time, please do not start your YTD record over if you have one. Post your YTD record if you want but be honest when you do and kindly always use widely available lines..

Thank you, Rx. Mod Staff.

The Rx. policy on posting in the sport forums:

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</td></tr></tbody></table>The Rx. policy on reporting abusive and out of line posting in the sport forums:

Posters - PLEASE show each other at least a small amount of courtesy when posting in any of The Sport Forums, all of this bickering and ridicule is getting tiresome and worse than that very counter-productive.

All of you are here to try to beat your bookies, not each other, so again please either post productively or use The Rubber Room if you want to post abusively or criticise your fellow posters.

Please try your best to help each other or if you can't do that than kindly leave well enough alone posters who you may disagree with.

The moderator team is spread fairly thin and has to depend upon you posters to report bashing. abusive posting and un-called for criticism or ridicule in any of our Sport Forums by using the "Report a Post" icon at the bottom left of all post boxes.

Violaters will be warned, repeat violaters will be placed on post review for for periods of time commensurate with the degree of bashing or abusive posting.

Eventually mutiple offenders who have been warned on several occasions will be banned from the site indefinitely.

Please use the "Report a Post" icon to report any bashing or out of line posting that either happens to you or any you see happening to others - it will be greatly appreciated by The Moderator team as well as the poster being abused. Reports will be acted upon promptly and with complete discretion. Simply click on the triangular icon at the bottom left hand corner of all post boxes.

Icon: All posts have this icon at bottom left.

Also any poster who sees something that appears to be out of line should feel free to contact any of the Rx. moderators (see list below) or use the report Post function icon above.

Using the icon will immediately generate an email with a link to the offending post to several moderators, one of which who upon receipt of the email will take immediate action and deal with the offending poster or posters. All you need to do is click on the icon and type one,two or maybe three simple words and click on SEND REPORT.

Those few words can be something along the lines of abusive poster, profane language, uncalled for bashing, unfair criticism etc.

When posters assist each other in such a manner then there is little chance that a poster will be on the receiving end of unfair bashing or abusive posting for very long.

Posters are also invited to email moderators individually if so desired. However this method for reporting abusive posting can be slower in obtaining results than using the report a post icon method.


All of The Rx. Moderators have new E-mail addys - please use any of these to contact The Rx. for any help you may need.

Thanks, wilheim

The entire moderator team is asking all of you to show some courtesy to each other. Everyone who is serious about betting on sports deserves to be allowed to post their own thread without being abused or ridiculed by other posters. This goes for veteran and newbie posters alike.

Do not get into an argument in any sport forum threads, simply report the out of line posts and a moderator will deal with it ASAP.

Any threads or posts that don't conform to this policy are subject to being moved to the Rubber Room entirely.

Thank you from the entire Mod Team..​
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New member
Jul 20, 2002
NOTE: Notice to affiliates (or agents) who want to use this forum to obtain players for their own sheets. The Rx. does not allow affiliates from any of our own sponsor books to use this forum to attract sign ups. We reserve the right to allow new players to sign up at our sponsor books thru our own banners. Violators will be banned on sight.

Thank you, wilheim...

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Posting Profane Thread titles..Lets all give that a rest...

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While I am reluctant to create any new rules here in the Sport Forums, I would like to appeal to everyone to refrain from what is becoming epidemic in nature -- The posting of profane thread titles.

I am talking about posters who take a tough beat and want to blame it on a relief pitcher who blew a 9Th inning lead, a quarterback who is intercepted in what would have been a point spread covering drive, or a coach of any given team whose late game strategy fails and his team also fails to cover the point spread.

There are many other examples but I think you all get my point.

Lets all stop with "Fucking Brad Lidge or John Papelbon" type of thread titles. For every bad beat you experience there is someone who got a lucky late game cover from the same game..

Bottom line blaming an individual player, coach, umpire or referee for a game you played and lost is not very mature behavior. Bad or tough beats are a big part of gambling, feel free to vent but PLEASE do not dumb down our very valuable and for the most part intelligent Sport Forums by creating a thread title like "The Cubs Blow" or Donavan McNabb is a fucking clown" etc etc etc.

These thread titles irritate many of us and are totally unnecessary and to put it bluntly juvenile in nature. I know if you don't like don't read it. Fine but still the thread does little to enhance the overall sharp post percentage of our sport forums.

Take it to The Rubber Room and rant away. Get mad if you want but don't look for sympathy by throwing a tantrum in the middle of a forum filled with threads that are written with intelligence and the desire to share knowledge with other players that could help a poster stop a bad run of luck or help another keep a hot streak intact..

Going forward do not be surprised to see profane thread titles edited or the thread itself moved to the Rubber Room.

I am asking you all to think before you rant about a blown save or a goal line fumble that cost you a wager. We have all been there and know the feeling.

Lets keep these Sport Forum positive instead of a place to cry about a difficult loss that each of us pulled the trigger on in the first place at one time or another and when viewed with an unbiased mind is where the blame really lies for all lost wagers -- The person who made the bet itself..Not the pinch hitter who wiffed with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 9Th or the offensive lineman who got called for holding to nullify a spread covering TD.

Take responsibility for your own decisions and deal with them like a mature and intelligent handicapper.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, wilheim...​

New member
Jul 20, 2002
bad line posting policy

<table bgcolor="#cecece" border="0" height="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>
</td></tr> </tbody></table> Bad Line Policy

"Your post has been edited as routine policy regarding the advertising or announcing in any of our forums obvious bad lines accidentally posted at any sportsbook. Encouraging posters to take advantage of obvious bad lines is also against policy. The does not condone this practice and feels it is unfair to both books and players and only will lead to difficult to fairly arbitrate disputes that are bound to arise sooner or later when players take advantage of a bad line".​

New member
Jul 20, 2002
financial transactions between posters.

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Financial transactions between posters.

Please proceed with extreme caution and operate at your own risk when dealing with other Rx posters privately, especially in financial matters. The does not endorse any posters that solicit other posters for loans or transfers, or wagering events between yourselves and cannot vouch for any posters that attempt to procure loans, funds for private contests, funds for private wagers or transfers from other posters for any reason anywhere on this site.

Financial transactions between posters are extremely risky and The Rx. advises the use of the most serious caution before making any kind of financial transaction with another poster. The itself cannot be held responsible when posters fail trying to recover funds loaned, transferred or wagered with or to other posters under any circumstances.

Unless you personally know a poster or one is vouched for you by someone you highly trust you should be very hesitent to conduct unsecured financial business with posters that you meet on this any other forum.

I cannot over emphasize how dangerous it is to bet or loan or transfer money with or to complete stangers and expect to be paid in the end. I am not saying all posters are dishonest but utmost caution needs to be practiced whenever posters deal with each others privately, especially in regards to financial matters. The cannot help mediate disputed wagers, contests or debts between private parties..

Caveat Emptor - let the buyer beware..

Thank you, wilheim..​

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Financial matters threads offshore

<table bgcolor="#cecece" border="0" height="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>
</td></tr> </tbody></table> Policy regarding the posting of sensitive financial information that deals with Offshore wagering financial matters of any kind.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wishes to make it clear to all of our posters what our policy in going forward regarding threads created to discuss any financial transactions between you and any Offshore Sportsbook.

The subject is a very sensitive one these days as Offshore Books strive to establish lasting and efficient relationships with reliable financial institutions. Their goal is to service you the player in the most prompt and least complicated means possible.

In order to maintain the type of relationship with any reliable financial service offshore books require as much confidentiality as possible.

The in order to assist both our sponsors and our posters equally fair will need to be especially selective regarding what subject matter we allow to be posted on our website when it involves financial dealings between players and offshore books.

Should a thread of yours or one you are interested in be moved off any of our forums please do not take it personal, the reason will be one that was well thought out by our Mod team and the thread starter contacted by either myself or another Rx moderator with an explanation.

The last thing we want to do is censor discussion but we also have an obligation to protect both our sponsors and our posters when it comes to how both parties handle the vital to the industry transfer of funds.

Please be extremely careful when posting anything regarding your deposit and withdrawal methods with any Offshore Book on this or any other forum.

Thank you, wilheim.

PS: All Rx posters please feel free to email me privately if you have a question or need help regarding the transfer of funds between yourself the player and any of our Sponsor books at I will be glad to assist you privately with no obligation of any kind on your part..​

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Newbie rules

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Forum Rules

Registration to this forum is free! However, does insist that you abide by the rules, guidelines and policies detailed below.

If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' check box and press the 'Register' button below.

If you would like to cancel the registration, Click Here to return to the forums index.

Although the administrators and moderators of Posting Forum will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages.

All messages express the views of the author only, and neither the owners of Posting Forum, (nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message including copyright infringement perpetrated by members.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, racially insensitive, threatening, abusive, or otherwise violate any laws.

You also agree that you will not post copyrighted or trademarked information of any kind.

These types of messages are subject to deletion by forum moderators.

Pornographic, graphically disturbing and copyrighted images are also subject to being deleted or edited by forum moderators. Promotional or obscene user names will not be accepted.Also email addresses or website URLS are not eligible to register as user names (no dot.coms,dot.nets or dot.orgs).

The owners of Posting Forum reserve the right to remove, edit,
move or close any thread for any reason.

Members who disregard the above rules and guidelines are subject to having their posts reviewed by forum moderators before they are posted. In more serious cases members are subject to have their user name banned from posting for a period of time to be decided by the forum moderating team.

Users are only allowed one user name at a time. Banned users who re-register with a new user name are subject to permanent banning and possible IP block.

I have read, and agree​

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Sensitive Information posting

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Posting Sensitive Information

Your post has been edited. Please refrain from posting sensitive or private information about book and/or player operations.

Please do not discuss, highlight, or disclose:
• real names
• banks, credit card operations and methods of operation
• processors
• any other real enterprises involved in a particular transaction between you and your sportsbook.

Please keep any new or innovative deposit/withdrawal methods that are not common knowledge as descreetly as possible.

Hint: if it's not on their website, consider it 'sensitive.'

We advise you to be as vague as possible when disclosing your own information. Disclosure of specifics can increase your risk and liability. Do not mention locals or agents for any reason. Do not brag about winning large amounts of money if you don't want that information made public.
Never try to solicit personal financial information from another poster on any of our moderated forums. Questions about personal earnings, taxes paid or not paid and any other questions about private financial information will not be allowed to be posted. You may ask a moderator to email a poster for you so you can contact that poster to pose your questions privately.

Anyone wanting to contact another poster please use our PM system or if that fails you can contact with CC to Include your username and the username of the poster you wish to contact. Your contact information will be forwarded on your behalf.

Please report to The Rx. Moderating Team any post you feel may contain sensitive information by using the "report a bad post" icon at bottom left of all post boxes.

Whenever posible deal directly with the book in question if you have questions about sensitive information like ATM cards or prepaid Visa cards etc. and how they work with offshore books.

Thank you, Wilheim.​

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Attention to all posters who are also professional handicappers that sell their picks.

<table bgcolor="#cecece" border="0" height="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>
</td></tr> </tbody></table> policy dictates that professional handicappers (aka Touts) who sell their picks on the Internet, by telephone or any other media outlet are not allowed to post anywhere on The except The SITE PROMOTION Forum..Violators will be placed on Post Review or have their viewing privileges blocked from all forums except The SITE PROMOTION Forum.

There are cases where I will allow long time posters who for one reason or another decide to sell picks to have access to certain forums based on their promise to never mention their pick selling business in anyway shape or form.

Statements by any pro capper that I allow access to other forums will only have one chance to abide by this rule, once a rule has been broken the privilege will be revoked. Posters who sell picks and are allowed limited use of other forums are going to have to pass a stringent criteria before they are allowed this privilege. One is they must have a long and loyal history as a solid non trouble making poster before I will even start to consider their requests.

Any "Tout" (I use the term in a good sense) who thinks they might qualify should email me at and ask to be able to post in whatever forums they are interested in and be willing to give me their word that they will abide by the specifications required to be both a tout and a poster.

Large services who use their business name as their poster name need not apply as the name itself is a promotion. Former posters known for causing trouble who turn out to also be touts need not apply.

Thank you, wilheim

New member
Jul 20, 2002
As you can see the rules are many nut not complicated and we try to explain why they are in place to begin with..

All Posters are free to email me anytime at or person19481950@yahooo/com if you do not understand some of these rules..I will do my best to explain them..

Thanks, wilheim

Oct 18, 2008
Is there a step by step process for how to get on post review? Seems like a cool club

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Jackstack34 - this is the entire post #1 of this very thread:

How to get off Post Review.

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To get off Post Review.. <table bgcolor="#cecece" border="0" height="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>
On Post Review - take the following steps:

1. Email Wilheim at Title: Post Review.
2. Include your Rx. Poster Name spelled exactly as it appears in your posts..
3. Simply state I would like to be removed from Post Review.

Normally, you will hear back from us within 48 hours, additional information
may be requested.

Thank you, wilheim​
Jan 17, 2007
How to get off Post Review.

<table bgcolor="#cecece" border="0" height="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>
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To get off Post Review.. <table bgcolor="#cecece" border="0" height="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>
On Post Review - take the following steps:

1. Email Wilheim at Title: Post Review.
2. Include your Rx. Poster Name spelled exactly as it appears in your posts..
3. Simply state I would like to be removed from Post Review.

Normally, you will hear back from us within 48 hours, additional information
may be requested.

Thank you, wilheim​

I think he said How DO you Get on... Post Review @):mad::):)

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