I always figured life was more about quality than quantity......living to be 150 wouldn't be much fun if I was laying in a bed staring at the ceiling for the last 70 or 80 years.....
I'm just about 40 now, single, no kids, no significant other in my life and will in all likelihood finish out the last 40 the same way......liking my freedom more than all the extra responsibilities I would have being on a different road......world is getting crazy, hardly anyone takes any personal responsibility anymore.....no interest in raising offspring, too much work and expense and responsibility.....besides that, then they have to go through all the same BS in a world that gets faster and more complicated as we speak.....
The unknown presents some fear, but when I get old and tired and have used up whatever health I have left then, I believe death will be more or less a welcome event for me......hope by then a future Kevorkian will be around to make the suffering end before suffering has the chance to be the only event in my life....then who knows....maybe there is an afterlife....maybe it just all turns black and like going to sleep and waking up in the morning not remembering anything during sleep, except this time you don't wake up....
People really don't remember anyone past grandparents.......who ever talked about great-granddad doing this or that??? Unless you are incredibly famous for creating a cure for some dreaded disease, a movie star, athlete, or serial killer......you will probably be totally forgotten about when your grandkids keel over.