how do you keep yourself from being compulsive?

Sep 20, 2004
Yesterday I lost a large play on Arizona, then chased my loss and lost AGAIN. I was pretty confident in these bets only because I have been on a "hot streak", if you can call it that, I haven't actually won much but almost hit 2 6-play teasers recently... Anyways these 2 losses prevented me from betting on Texas and Syracuse today, so I'm kinda pissed off, to say the least. I wish I hadn't made that compulsive bet last night. I kinda chalk this up to being a loser, having bad luck, being cursed, etc. But I guess it's really just bad money management. The rest of my bankroll is sitting on a future prop that is going to cash for this weekend, but tommorrow's payoff is too late, I missed the money train today. You guys been through this shit before? Have you been able to learn from your mistakes? Or am I just a born loser?
No matter what, you are going to win some individual bets and lose some individual bets.

I have for years now defined "win" for me as a day when I played the way I was supposed to play, bet the sides and amounts I had decided in advance to play.

So by my definition today was a "loss" for you, and would have been even if you would have won money, because you either didn't have a plan going in or didn't follow it.

I would start by betting a percentage of my gambling funds (say 2%) per play, period. It is not about "money trains". It is learning process, a grind and can be a lucritive hobby if you let the plays come to you.

For the poker players, let the cards run over you....
Oren. if you do one thing different, I know its hard but NEVER chase...if you lose take the loss and bet again tommorrow....never chase...good luck
I would start by betting a percentage of my gambling funds (say 2%) per play, period. It is not about "money trains". It is learning process, a grind and can be a lucritive hobby if you let the plays come to you.

I don't even think you can define a bankroll percentage with me. I mean what percentage of bankroll would you put on a $250 overdraft parlay? Anything divided by zero is the empty set.
Oren- I've done the same thing many times before many years ago so here's my advice. No parlays or teasers. Only play good lines. Take some days off of gambling. If you can't do this then quit.

[This message was edited by raiders72001 on 03-31-03 at 12:22 AM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
go spend a night(alone) in the wilderness,(red river gorge,in my area) youll be surprised at how insignificant this racket is.
Dell Dude what happen to your other picture?
Dell Dude is this really you?
30 yrs old? the Parlay kid?

Raiders got this one, you have to learn from your mistakes. Everyone I know who is good at this has been through the ringer a few times. YOu are far from alone, now you have to move on. DO not worry about the money you could have made today, do not try and make it back quickly tomorrow.

Suggestion- Map out your plays for a few weeks on paper only if you are having problems with money management. When you see you can beat this game with tremendous discipline, it makes you work harder to actually do it. Take days off when things are tough and lock in profits when you can.
Sep 20, 2004
sounds like good advice from everyone, thanks, even Elmer chimed in with a little jewel of wisdom, heheh... I definitely need to chill out and take a few days off, missing those 2 6-play teasers by a hair got my head spinning... One of the reasons I bet 'em in the first place was pretty much just shear boredom. I work in front of a computer all day, and there's nothing like sweating a 6 teamer to make things interesting. Problem is it's not going to be profitable in the long run to play this way...

On another note, Raiders, I'm thinking about making a little investment on the Oakland Raiders to win the AFC West yet again, at 9 to 5 odds. I know it's pretty early, but got any thoughts on that one? It looks like they should be just as strong as they were last year, and I don't see their competition getting much better this year.
I like the Raiders to win the division too. It looks like all the old guys will be back for one last hooray. The only problem is that I always like the Raiders. The Raiders and White Sox are my two teams.
Sep 20, 2004
yeah, I ran into a little trouble being a Raiders fan last year, as the smart money was definitely on the Bucs in the Superbowl.
You never know how it's gonna all pan out, but I like the 9 to 5 odds on this one.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You have to decide whether you are gambling for entertainment and "action" or to make money. You chased and knew at the time it was wrong but did it anyway. To gamble for profit you have to be ruthless with your emotions. If you can't watch a game without action on it then you are addicted to the feeling of winning, like a crack addict on a binge who has to smoke more and more to keep the "high". When you lost that first game your "winning addiction" kicked in because you didn't want to go to bed a loser, just like the drug addict who needs "one more hit".

You won't find the answer to your question on a message board... you will find it within yourself.
The other "insight" that helped me was it was all one big game anyway, always a bet to make tomorrow if you don't make one today.

Bets and oportunities are like buses, one every ten minutes.

Hence no need for me to chase, I (and the games to bet) weren't going anywhere anyway.....

New member
Jun 20, 2001
First question you need to ask is why was Ariz. such a large play? I find very little value at this part of the season in Col BBall, I find it hard to believe that you know something About Arz. Or Kansas that 99% of gamblers don't know by now they are two high profile teams with 80 games between them.

If you would have posted you lost a big play on VMI back in january and lost then maybe you knew something that the general public did not know and It was a good bet you just lost.No ONe that is serious about making money should be betting heavy on any of these games, very little edge out there.


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