take that buncha trash talkin THUGS !!!!!!!!!!! and to cap it off a west Alabama boy made the game winning catch ....and me a alota $$$$$ LOVE IT my favorite team won and made me $$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!
didn't cheat in this game ......and still beat the thugs and their classless fans......booing during the national anthem.....really,, buncha tree hugging dope heads
he kept his thuggery to himself he wasn't going on nat tv and writing articles about a hall of fame qb and his team and his owner and the commish....he may have been a thug but it was kept in check and no one knew it.......say what u want hater but you NEVER hear any patriot spouting off their mouth......or acting like a buncha thugs at the end of a game the way your inmates acted during a kneel down