Sickening Mother Fuckers!
Sickening Mother Fuckers!
Sickening Mother Fuckers!
Notice how the terrorist accurately quotes the Koran at
the 2:43 mark and says that the Koran COMMANDS
the Muslims to terrorize the infidels.
Religion of peace, my asshole.
If taken literally no abrahamic religion is a religion of peace. For the most part Christianity and Judaism have been liberalized so you aren't stoning your daughters or killing your sons any more.
No it's those sick ass Liberals that let everybody & his brother over here in the first place no questions asked.They have nobody to blame but their sick dumb ass selves so suffer & look for more of the same.
That has nothing to do with Immigration though except for the Illegals getting moved over here in reefers for more than a load of strawberries ... 2 diffrent birds.altogether.Buy a history book.
FYI, NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement, which is suposed to allow trucks to move freely between Canada, US and Mexico. Among other things.
If taken literally no abrahamic religion is a religion of peace. For the most part Christianity and Judaism have been liberalized so you aren't stoning your daughters or killing your sons any more.
Astute observation
More current fundamentalist Christianity doesn't promote overt themes of violence. But they certainly promote the notion that non-believers will live for eternity in a violent prison of endless pain and misery.
More current? The Christian doctrine of hell is at least 1900 years old.
Um... name one statement of Christ or New Testament writing that
advocates any form of violence whatsoever?
More current? The Christian doctrine of hell is at least 1900 years old.
It's not quite as visible as an Islamic wacko blowing up a street bazaar, but it delivers a similar level of emotional, mental and spiritual abuse against those at whom it's directed.