

New member
Oct 6, 2004
LMAO, man you actually throwing the leafs shit at me haha and you think I give a dame? Dude I bet with my head not my heart you think I give a shit about the leafs not making the playoff seriously? What a moron haha no wonder some clowns keep losing money, keep betting them home teams idiots

Roloson might not been their best player but idiot read my post I said Roloson took them here, you ignorant clowns can really look into my eyes and say Roloson did not stole the Det series for them? Or how about the narrow wins they had over the Ducks, last check they barely won and had it not been for roloson you clowns think they be here? Before you waste like 30 mins typing up the bs you typed at least know what you are getting yourself into, clearly if its not for Roloson they are not here 100% so before you open ur pathetic trap again know what u are arguring about...

New member
Oct 6, 2004
Hey if you are looking at the shark series how about checking out the MTL series, when Kouvu went down what happened haha, what a moron, what you should do is look into a mirror not any series, look into a mirror and see a big fat idiot haha doh!

New member
Oct 6, 2004
Best hockey profit haha how much is that -50 cents? Not bad if it is close to even hahaha...

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
Mikeyboi49 said:
LMAO, man you actually throwing the leafs shit at me haha and you think I give a dame? Dude I bet with my head not my heart you think I give a shit about the leafs not making the playoff seriously? What a moron haha no wonder some clowns keep losing money, keep betting them home teams idiots

Roloson might not been their best player but idiot read my post I said Roloson took them here, you ignorant clowns can really look into my eyes and say Roloson did not stole the Det series for them? Or how about the narrow wins they had over the Ducks, last check they barely won and had it not been for roloson you clowns think they be here? Before you waste like 30 mins typing up the bs you typed at least know what you are getting yourself into, clearly if its not for Roloson they are not here 100% so before you open ur pathetic trap again know what u are arguring about...

Unlike yourself, it doesn't take me 30 minutes to type.

How did that Sharks future payoff?

You didn't say he (Roloson) was their best player?
"forget they lost their best players who had brought them here this far"

PlayerS? So which other players did they lose last night. Or are you backtracking now? First you say they lost their best player, then you say "Roloson might not have been their best player". Wow, weak with your arguments and folded on that point pretty fast.

I have 2 family friends that play for the Canes, so a win by them won't be a disaster. You chime in here for only the 2nd time ever (the first time was your Sharks future thread) and want to give hockey gambling advice?

You believe what you want. I'm sure the 2 minute summaries of the games you watched up to this point would lead you to believe Roloson has been Hasek of years gone by. He's been solid and made a few huge saves. He's "stolen" maybe 2 games of the entire playoffs.

Bet with your head. LOL - yeah, ok. Grow one first.

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
Mikeyboi49 said:
Hey if you are looking at the shark series how about checking out the MTL series, when Kouvu went down what happened haha, what a moron, what you should do is look into a mirror not any series, look into a mirror and see a big fat idiot haha doh!

That's it? You offset your Sharks call (Win the West Easily) by citing a series where a player got hurt?

"Big fat idiot haha doh" -- I remember when I was 15.....

New member
Oct 6, 2004

Ok first of all, you were the one who mentioned about the Sharks series, how they only have to look back and draw their energy there, thus you telling people that if they can do it in the Sharks series they can do it again, yet you don't get my point donkey about how Mtl folded after one of their best players went down, please think before you reply to my comments, or if anyone else agrees please tell this moron my point, you telling people they can do it just because they won against the sharks in the second round and here we are at the Finals and they could do it again lmao, and the fact that you don't even know what I'm saying makes me laugh...

If Roloson is now one of their best players then I'm not sure who is, had they not trade for him you think they be here? Its not even close, they would of lost to Det clown, I saw the whole game lastnight, he was not at his best, and the last few games he wasn't either but the fact of the matter is he's carried them here, your ignorant comment how he stole 2 games for them makes me laugh, you are pathetic, just stop it right here if you want to do urself a favour haha, what a idiot... Roloson clearly has been one of their guys, ya in my previous comment I might have not spell check by I'm sure most would understant I meant one of their best players hense there's a "s" at the end of player, if its too much for you to get then end it right here haha, maybe its my fault that I didn't completely revise the comment guess I overthink your tiny brain thinking you would understand, bottom line is simple, you tell people Edm has a chance due to "the shark" series haha, yet you probably are such a homer you forgot that there was other hockey series that was played as well hence I said the MTL series, you aer so pathetic, you think they can only gain momentum yet you refuse to see the MTL series how losing a big lead and a key player could mess up the team, I give up with morons like you hahahaha clownass!

New member
Oct 6, 2004
OK so now you throwing out there Roloson might not be that hurt haha, man how you know all this you have so much connection haha, please keep telling us more so we all could pound that Edm bet during this crucial time hahaha what a moron, listen to people and smarten up clown haha, actually I mean pathetic clown hahaha

You should know I ususally only like to read the good people here at RX and their thoughts I had to intervene today with the dumb points I saw coming from you I have no choice, if you think number of post means anything then haha keep thinking that way, guess those with thousands of them are like einstiens haha... DOH!

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
Mikeyboi49 said:
Ok first of all, you were the one who mentioned about the Sharks series, how they only have to look back and draw their energy there, thus you telling people that if they can do it in the Sharks series they can do it again, yet you don't get my point donkey about how Mtl folded after one of their best players went down, please think before you reply to my comments, or if anyone else agrees please tell this moron my point, you telling people they can do it just because they won against the sharks in the second round and here we are at the Finals and they could do it again lmao, and the fact that you don't even know what I'm saying makes me laugh...

If Roloson is now one of their best players then I'm not sure who is, had they not trade for him you think they be here? Its not even close, they would of lost to Det clown, I saw the whole game lastnight, he was not at his best, and the last few games he wasn't either but the fact of the matter is he's carried them here, your ignorant comment how he stole 2 games for them makes me laugh, you are pathetic, just stop it right here if you want to do urself a favour haha, what a idiot... Roloson clearly has been one of their guys, ya in my previous comment I might have not spell check by I'm sure most would understant I meant one of their best players hense there's a "s" at the end of player, if its too much for you to get then end it right here haha, maybe its my fault that I didn't completely revise the comment guess I overthink your tiny brain thinking you would understand, bottom line is simple, you tell people Edm has a chance due to "the shark" series haha, yet you probably are such a homer you forgot that there was other hockey series that was played as well hence I said the MTL series, you aer so pathetic, you think they can only gain momentum yet you refuse to see the MTL series how losing a big lead and a key player could mess up the team, I give up with morons like you hahahaha clownass!

Clown...clownass...donkey...aren't you the guy who posted his girlfriends picks in the NBA forum? Beisdes not being able to make your own picks, you can't even make your own point in here without dumbing it down to 15 year old schoolyard language.

You overthink? Now THATS laughable. First off, you don't shit about whether they would have made the playoffs without him. Did you see his first 5 games in an Oiler uniform? Did you see his record? Did his record since joining the Oil not look strangely ordinary leading to the playoffs?

I'm glad you give up - that's a trait that seems to be a strong one coming out of your neck of the woods. Your inability to even form paragraphs or use proper punctuation and spacing is going to give me a headache trying to decipher it. I'm sure you can practice before replying next time.

Just so I'm clear. I can't use the Sharks series as an example, but you can use the MTL series as one. Gotcha.

Oh yeah, and sell the bullshit to your girlfriend. You said "forget they lost their best players" and now you're saying what? Besides your butchered language, you now omit words as well. Get the girlfriend to type your next post if you want any English speaking readers to try and understand it. Oh that's right, your "hot" girlfriend. :lolBIG:

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
Mikeyboi49 said:
OK so now you throwing out there Roloson might not be that hurt haha, man how you know all this you have so much connection haha, please keep telling us more so we all could pound that Edm bet during this crucial time hahaha what a moron, listen to people and smarten up clown haha, actually I mean pathetic clown hahaha

TheScore, TSN and Sportsnet all reported this morning that Roloson hadn't actually even gotten his MRI scheduled until this morning at Duke. That seemed odd since last night they called it a 3rd degree MCL tear. I, and many others based it upon that.

You only read the good people? Well, at least you're reading.

New member
Oct 6, 2004
LMAO pretty pathetic you remember that one post I made of my girlfriend, and its even funnier you used it as part of your comeback haha aite you got me I did post one post of my gf only because she predicted what I thought was an amazing card, but sure you got me if you want to use that bs... wonder how u know that hmmm did you ran out of things to say back so you decided to go to the forum and read back like a month's old of posts to see if there was anything you can catch me with? Or u looked me up in the archives just to take this cheap shot? Haha whatever way you used get a life haha hey if you feel you burned me good for you haha cus the only thing that is hurting now is my stomach haha lauging at ur pathetic ass..

Using 15 yr language? What you want me to say? Sophisticated word when I talk to you, I'm here typing and all I can think of of you is pathetic and clownass, people say when you tak to idiot you stoop to their level I think this is one classic example I can't help it you are too much an idiot, you think I give a fuck how roloson did in his first 5 games with his new team? Point of the matter is he is the main reason they are here now, u refuse to admit it then aite haha... and ya Vegas is just as dumb as all of us for believing in this big lie by the headcoach, a team down one nothing getting +260 haha bite all you guys want, what idiots... and ya give up with the shark series crap you know you made a idiot out of yourselve

New member
Oct 6, 2004
Oh ya and the ever so popular spelling comeback OUCH... dude for the fucking last time just like how everyone who's tried to used that crap gets, no one really read back what they type, this is a dame sports forum and especially talking to you, I am not gonna waste anymore time then I already have your pathetic ass, excuse me for not spell checking haha man just read your last few post "coming out of the wood" blah blah how you can't use the shark series but I can use the MTL?

You are vastly prould of your several thlousand post. to be hoenst its a testament to your lifeless life, 3000 post or 30 makes no different in someon'e knowledge of the game, pretty cheap shot again

Read again or again clown read as many tmes as it takes for you to get I never said you can't use the shark series hahaha moron, all I said was if you are using that you need also use the MTL series haha seroiusly I give up you are one dum fuck almost can't believe I wasted more time on you in posting then I have in RX the last month haha... what a idiot

Sorry I didn't spell again on your next post use it for your comeback again DOH!

New member
Oct 6, 2004
And yes get my GF in this what's next the mama joke? Hahaha I'm sure people reading this is thinking the same thing as me, that you are one big idiot hahaha and yes for the record my GF is hot!

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