Trump 1 Hillary 0
Her plan, obviously, was to let him talk himself out. Let the craziness out itself.
At various points, that worked: Trump did not need to ramble about the birth certificate in the way he did.
But at other points, her decision to stand back was mistaken.
She stood there smiling, as if she was above it all. His charges went unanswered.
And they’re good charges.
She was part of the administration under which the Middle East spun out of control, jobs continued to flood to China, thousands crossed the border, and – most importantly – law and order was seen to break down in the cities.
When that issue was raised, Clinton made a critical mistake.
She talked about the importance of good race relations, about tackling the apparently prejudicial shootings of black men by police.
For some voters, that’s what the issue is about.
But the vast majority are far more concerned about threats to their lives and their property by rioters.
[FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]Trump won the reality TV debate. He has won politics in 2016. [/FONT]