Help! Reverse lookups using address info only


hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
How to .... ???

I got home tonight to find a flyer stuffed into my mailbox from a group calling themselves "Concerned Canadian Parents" urging residents to phone their MP immediately to express our angst over the "anti-marriage" Bill C-38 (gay marriage):

The suicidal rush to fundamentally change a 6,000 year old institution is the canker that will destroy the roots of Canada's 'living tree'.

These cowards include the phone number, fax number, email address, and mailing address of my MP, but only give their own PO Box mailing address. I would like to look them up and help flood their inbox with messages from those of us supporting Bill C-38. "Concerned Canadian Parents" is not an actual business name, unfortunately .. is there a way to find out their phone # (or at least try to determine if they have one) with only a mailing address??

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
I'm so glad to see a moral opposition in Canada! Even one that might be small and grass roots in nature. The Canadian church should also get involved and tell their congregations what's what.
The government up there has gone to far to the left and the Canadian people might want to reign it in.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Does it anger you that women and blacks gained equal rights? Since there's clearly no other reason for an idiot like you to feel superior you might as well oppress homos to boost your esteem.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
bblight said:
I'm so glad to see a moral opposition in Canada! Even one that might be small and grass roots in nature. The Canadian church should also get involved and tell their congregations what's what.
The government up there has gone to far to the left and the Canadian people might want to reign it in.

Sure, and if they are truly as self-righteous as their flyer makes them out to be, why not just tell us who they are??? Why only a PO Box??

My guess is that this IS a church-based organisation, or a Conservative Party dirty-trick.

And what, praytell, is the 'Canadian church'????

(FYI, permitting gay marriage isn't heading to 'the left.' It's the withdrawal of state interference in private and religious affairs, actually. Certainly not a Conservative position -- since god knows they love their social controls -- but much more libertarian than leftist.)

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
x - I meant the Canadian Church Community:

There are a lot of them!

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Lander, you said "Does it anger you that women and blacks gained equal rights? Since there's clearly no other reason for an idiot like you to feel superior you might as well oppress homos to boost your esteem."

When have I ever indicated intolerance toward any of these groups? Please find me one post where I have supported the disenfranchisement of anyone?

I don't necessarily agree with the social agenda tabled by the more extreme people of these groups, but I fully support the freedom of all people.

The problem lies with ideologues like you who look to marginalise everyone whio disagrees with your agenda! You're a leftist elitist, out of touch and out of time! You sir, and all of the rest of the leftist zealots who share your narrow minded worldview are the last hurrah!

Sep 22, 2004
Its only a matter of time X.

While everyone is watching the middle east they are creeping up behind you and filtering across the border...

An invasion of the christian armys' mindless zombies is coming.

As the Borg in Star Trek used to say.
'resistance is futile'

Watch out for lots of new mysteriously funded organisations masquerading as the new way forward for Canadians.

"The Freedom Family Moral association of Canada" and suchlike are comin' to get y'all and steal your children.

New member
Oct 21, 2002
To paraphrase xpanda from an earlier post "as you push so shall ye be pushed against". The Christian soldiers are getting little resistance now. But there continued crusade against personal freedom will surely backfire someday.
Maybe you could lurk on some message boards connected to Canadian Churches?


Jan 15, 2005
The Canadian Parliament is currently debating a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, and it's a tight battle:
The vote is too close to call. The Globe and Mail recently surveyed Members of Parliament. 139 MPs said they would vote in favour of legislation and 118 MPs said they would vote against the legislation, while 49 are undecided or would not state a position. To pass into law, the bill needs the support of 154 MPs.
Seems the possibility of tolerance and equality under the law in Canada scares the bejeezus out of our Religious Right.

Powerful U.S. religious groups are sending money and support to allies in Canada to fight same-sex marriage.

Patrick Korten, vice-president of communications for the Knights of Columbus head office in New Haven, Conn., said no limit has been set on the help his organization is prepared to offer.

"Whatever it takes," he said. "The family is too important."

Mr. Korten said the U.S. headquarters of the Catholic men's group paid $80,782 to print two million postcards being distributed in Catholic churches across Canada.

"It has been extremely enthusiastically received in Catholic parishes all over Canada. As a matter of fact we may have to print some more -- there was a great deal of interest in it. It offers a quick, simple but effective way for Catholics ... to make their feelings about the same-sex marriage bill known to their MPs." Another opponent of same-sex marriage, Focus on the Family, is also sending support and services worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to its Canadian affiliate.


Jan 15, 2005
X...if you really want help with this, simply go to and post your situation under an open thread (unless you can find a recent diary dealing with this issue - my quote is from an old one), and someone will most likely respond....bloggers are a helpful sort...


Jan 15, 2005
also, im pretty sure real estate agents have books on this to do "reverse look-ups"...

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
919 said:
X...if you really want help with this, simply go to and post your situation under an open thread (unless you can find a recent diary dealing with this issue - my quote is from an old one), and someone will most likely respond....bloggers are a helpful sort...

Thanks. I appreciate the advice. Will let you know if I can find anything.

To all you pickle-up-the-arse baby boomers: if same-sex marriage legislation doesn't pass today, it will pass in thirty years, when y'all kick the proverbial bucket. In Canada, fully 78% of people under 40 support extending marriage rights to our homosexual citizens. It's the old farts who are afraid of change who are keeping us back. Funny enough, these are the same people who had to listen to precisely the same arguments from their parents in defense of measures to prevent interracial marriage from becoming legal. Did the sky fall in then???

Blight, specifically: it's not legal for churches to get directly involved in politics, unless they would like to have their tax-exempt status revoked. That's why these pricks sent out a flyer using a phony but catchy organisational name and leaving no contact info that's of practical use to anyone. You may also be interested to know that my minister friend (with the United Church) not only approves of SSM, but has already performed two of them. Not all religions willfully and blatantly ignore the 'love thy neighbour' and 'do unto others' commandments.

Apparently these flyers have been strewn all over the country ... a big stink is being made about in the news and they won't be able to stay private for long. They should show their faces and enter the debate in a grown-up manner or shut their pieholes. Wimps.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
xpanda said:
To all you pickle-up-the-arse baby boomers: if same-sex marriage legislation doesn't pass today, it will pass in thirty years, when y'all kick the proverbial bucket. In Canada, fully 78% of people under 40 support extending marriage rights to our homosexual citizens. It's the old farts who are afraid of change who are keeping us back. Funny enough, these are the same people who had to listen to precisely the same arguments from their parents in defense of measures to prevent interracial marriage from becoming legal. Did the sky fall in then???

In Canada you are trying to pass legistlation to legalize gay marriage. In the US the gay activists (perhaps out of habit) are taking the back-door approach and trying to bypass the will of the people. There's a big difference between the two methods. If the activists spent more time explaining why gays should be allowed to marry and less time shopping for friendly judges, then public opinion might shift. Jamming an agenda down another person's throat isn't going to turn the tide however.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Shotgun said:
In Canada you are trying to pass legistlation to legalize gay marriage. In the US the gay activists (perhaps out of habit) are taking the back-door approach and trying to bypass the will of the people. There's a big difference between the two methods. If the activists spent more time explaining why gays should be allowed to marry and less time shopping for friendly judges, then public opinion might shift. Jamming an agenda down another person's throat isn't going to turn the tide however.

Further, we granted common-law couples the majority of rights permitted to married couples, meaning 'civil unions' have been legal here for years. Further, six provinces/territories (including mine) have made SSM legal.

As far as jamming agendas down throats, yours is going to get more ugly and nasty so long as the 'will of the people' is represented by a Christian movement. It's the perfect platform for the fundies to sneak back into politics and I suspect that one day even Christians will regret it.

But let's face it, no matter how SSM were being tabled in the US, you have enough rednecks, conservatives and fundies to prevent it from happening. As Parliamentarians, our Charter is specifically mandated as the tool "to prevent the majority from oppressing the minority." In other words, we will never have social issues laid on ballots to be voted on within an election.

Do you personally oppose same-sex marriage or just the manner in which it's been brought forth?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
xpanda said:
As far as jamming agendas down throats, yours is going to get more ugly and nasty so long as the 'will of the people' is represented by a Christian movement. It's the perfect platform for the fundies to sneak back into politics and I suspect that one day even Christians will regret it.

But let's face it, no matter how SSM were being tabled in the US, you have enough rednecks, conservatives and fundies to prevent it from happening. As Parliamentarians, our Charter is specifically mandated as the tool "to prevent the majority from oppressing the minority." In other words, we will never have social issues laid on ballots to be voted on within an election.

It isn't just the Christians that oppose gay marriage. Those that aren't for redefining marriage are in favor of the status quo. Their 'agenda', a belief that marriage is between one man and one woman, has been set for thousands of years. Shouldn't this radical change in social custom be decided by society?

xpanda said:
Do you personally oppose same-sex marriage or just the manner in which it's been brought forth?

I'm for civil unions but not same sex marriage. The way the activists have behaved has poisened my mind a bit, and you are opening up a ugly can of worms if you change the definition of marriage. That said, I won't lose any sleep over it if it does come about.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
xpanda, do you have kids?

What would you tell an 8 year old who asks you why a man can marry a man?

I need a time machine. This world is just too fucked up.

Sep 22, 2004
Shotgun said:
Jamming an agenda down another person's throat isn't going to turn the tide however.

Strange, cos thats how religious based political movements are viewed by Liberal individuals, and why they are dead as a political force in Europe.

They camouflage their intolerance with smokescreen rhetoric like 'moral' and 'family' and 'faith-based'.

Religion is merely the vehicle utilised for this form of intolerance.

The specific target in the Christian case happens to be homosexuals, but it could be jews or blacks or any other minority.
For instance Islam is a vehicle for the intolerance of jews as well as homosexuals.

Its why religion based politics is viewed as being for narrow minded individuals who are living in the past instead of the future.


Its a shame for genuine christians, who are tarred with the same brush because the homo-hater brigade has hijacked religious politics.
Last edited:

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
xpanda - you are what you are! I don't know much about Canada, but the US seems to be turning to the right - and it's the young that appear to be turning the tide, so that under 40 thing won't make it here.

What I think is really comical is the way you deride church values and laud Hollywood values - to me, the Church represents moral values and societies moral conscience while Hollywood represents hedonism in it's purest form and a lack of personal responsibility for anything.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
bblight said:
\What I think is really comical is the way you deride church values and laud Hollywood values....

If you can find me one example where I laud Hollywood values, I will bake you a batch of cookies and mail them to you.

'Church values' is an oxymoron.

chach said:
xpanda, do you have kids?

What would you tell an 8 year old who asks you why a man can marry a man?

No, I don't have children yet. If an 8 year old does ask me why a man can marry a man, I will answer that marriage is no longer an institution designed to protect property rights and ensure paternity and ownership of women, but has been hoisted to the luxurious status of representing a strong committment between two people who love each other.

shotgun said:
It isn't just the Christians that oppose gay marriage. Those that aren't for redefining marriage are in favor of the status quo. Their 'agenda', a belief that marriage is between one man and one woman, has been set for thousands of years. Shouldn't this radical change in social custom be decided by society?

This isn't even accurate. Marriage was, for millenia, one man and several wives. It's been pondered that lesbianism among the wives was common, if not necessary.

Should an institution such as marriage be defined by society? Depends who you ask. If you follow the Christian agenda, they believe that God invented marriage (complete malarky) and therefore us mortals have no right to change its definition. Though I would like to add that they also believe that polygamy is wrong and it's okay that we fixed that problem.

I'm for civil unions but not same sex marriage.

Why? What's the difference? Why such a strong affinity to the word 'marriage'? And if gay people get to have 'civil unions' can straight people have them, too?

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