Was watching the Tonite Show on TV and watched Micheal Moore promoting his new movie-documentary...if this guy ever ran for office, he would be elected in a landslide....he made more sense than any politician I have ever heard....I've seen all his documentaries in the past and he always makes sense about what he says....he was talking about health coverage for everyone, no matter rich or poor...it is a shame that there are over 46 millon Americans without health insurance...we as a nation are ranked almost dead last in providing adequate healthcare in the world...he was explaining how Cuba and Canada provide the best healthcare and was surprised when he explained that the terrorists held in our jails in Cuba were provided with dental and health care for nothing while 9-11 fireman and cops could not get the same care...can't wait until his film comes out...even Great Britian ranks ahead of us..Jay Leno was explaining how his mother-in-law had a stroke in England and he told the staff to provide her with extra care and money was no object...total bill for her stay and care was only 4500 bucks...anyway if any politician can tell me that healthcare would be provided for all Americans, he or she has my vote...it is criminal what these pharmasutical companies and health insurance companies do to us....sorry for the rant but it got me thinking...