Hansen Idiot and other war fools


New member
Sep 21, 2004
are already talking about attacking France, Iran or Syria next. Now I ask you to answer this objectively.

Do you really belive these are peace loving people who only want war when it is absolutly necessary, or do you think these are just little Hitlers who dream of U.S. world domination because in some way they believe they are winning these wars ?

"First Iraq, then France" is not the tagline of a peace loving person, but rather an idiotic little Hitler.

France did not support this war - LETS ATTACK THEM.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

There's a lot of ethnocentrical babble thrown out here.

Sadly an awful lot of Americans still feel that the U.S. is the only counrty that really matters or has a say in anything.
you are a walking billboard of stupidity!!!!

do us all a favor and look up the word satire.

come to think of it read the whole webster's -- that'd be a good start!

typical liberal moron -- take things out of context, and twist for the benefit of their ill-willed cause!

first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 21, 2004
hansen bros,

Racist satire is pretty much considered taboo. "First Iraq then France", is in poor taste and makes light of the killing going on. My guess is that calling it satire is to mask your racism against the French.

BTW, that name hansen bros. is that about those stupid blond kids that were making supposed music for a while???
going after France seriously. The French will get the picture when their exports to the US dry up.
"poor taste" is a very objective term: i'll come right out and say that i have a very negative predisposition toward france. and it is not with out merit, and if you weren't such a puss, and more of an american, you would too! we lost many lives saving theirs. and this is the thanks that we get -- in an act of subversion they are vandalizing the aforementioned hero's graves! real class!

before, i would tolerate the french, now, i have no time for them! they are spineless, self-serving hypocrites -- perhaps, that's why you and that utter moron danny boy are so akin to them????

first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i have no time for them! they are spineless, self-serving hypocrites

So, You're French ?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
hansen bros,

I've explained this so many times I'm getting tired of it, but here goes one more time.
Helping a country and then expecting them to support you on every issue turns a humanitarian gesture into manipulation. Helping them does not give us the right to dictate policy to them. They are still a free nation with the right to have their own opinions and views. Most of the world feels we are wrong, many in our own country feel we are wrong. No other nation is obligated to support us on any issue much less such a delicate one as war and death, and again much less when most of the world disagrees.

Also I would like to point out that I have no love loss with the French. I've always found them to be arrogant (however that is a stereotype) and I dislike the sound of their language. I'll drink French wine, however don't particularily care for their cooking. Lastly I can't think of a single French product I particularily like or buy on a regular basis.

I'm simply pointing out that your tag does have a racist tone to it and the more you justify it the more racist you sound.
God you're dumb! even you ill-willed SIMPLE attempts at humor are pathetic!!!

please, in an act of self-preservation --SHUT-UP!

it's very painful to watch you do this to yourself!

first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 21, 2004
hansen you seem to be the one lacking in mental capacity here....

You don't seem to be able to comprehend plain English.

I've made no attempt whatsoever to be humorous. I meant all of that in seriousness.

1. The fact that trying to claim aid at any point in time gives the U.S. the right to dictate what other nations should think or support is manipulation still stands.
2. The views I expressed on the French are true.
3. You are still a racist.

To say you are stupid goes without saying as we've already established that you're a racist, but it's really sad to see that you can't even read and understand a couple of basic paragraphs in English, which is your native tounge I assume.

#1 my response was not to you, but the moron danny boy!

#2 let me say thank you. thank you for posing a well thought out idea, and a genuine opinion; it is refreshing! dealing with grantt, and danny boy who are just miserably stupid and just spew shit because they obviously have no knowledge and have nothing better to do is at times, very taxing!

#3 your point -- amazingly, i concur. i refer to what you were saying for lack of a better term as "conditional support". and i am stearnly opposed to forcing will among others. but with that said, i have a hard time swallowing an opposing view to this war, to me it's very black and white -- he's a very bad man and he has to go. it disturbs me that france opposes that, but i could live with that. the problems i currently have with france are threefold:

#1 they are actively trying to force their views of this war on other countries -- they are trying to force their will on others.

#2 the reasons they are so ardently opposed to this war are very suspect. evidence has been trickling in that they have been breaking the un treaty by making illegal trade arrangements with hussein the past couple years. illegalities that very well could be exposed by this war -- we shall see.

#3 the way that they are opposing this war -- saying things, doing things (vandalizing the soldiers graves that saved their collective ass')

obviously, my feeling for france are not one of benevolence, but just as obvious i'm not condoning that we invade.

first Iraq, then France
Sep 21, 2004
if you weren't such a puss

If you weren't such a puss YOU'D be over there fighting instead of inciting war safely from your house.

Hypocrite. Put a mute on the trumpet of war you blow on...you have obviously found a better reason to exempt yourself from this fight.
Sep 21, 2004

ok guy. Whatever.
One of THESE guys...great!
You and how many of your friends?

ps. you're still a puss...i.e. not fighting.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hansen Idiot,

Why is it that you never speak to the issues ? We make serious points and all you can come back with are childish insults. That is all the capacity you have.

G.E.D. my friend G.E.D.
danny boy,

you might be the most stupid person on the face of the earth--

"you never argue points...." read about three posts above your you simpleton.

you are the moron that never stated a point!

i'll pray for you man -- you could very well be the most indigent person i've ever communicated with!

first Iraq, then France
Sep 21, 2004
first Iraq, then hansen?

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Thanks for actual debate, that's not always the norm around here.

Just wanted to point out that being anti-war doesn't necessarily make one a wimp. If I remember right Ali is anti-war, Vietnam vets protested Vietnam, and I know I've been around the block a few times. I think having grit has more to do with fighting for what you believe in, some don't believe in this war.


danny boy

i went to one of the country's most exclusive colleges, an institution so exclusive that they wouldn't have accepted you as their janitor. i graduated in four years (1 major, double minor) and am currently reaping the fruits of four years of a scholarly labor. i currently make more in a day than you do anually, check that, for sure, more in a week than you do annually. i'm sure that's the main source of your anger and frustration -- but don't hate me because i am smarter and much more well off!

first Iraq, then France

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