GWB's Relection Ads.


New member
Jul 20, 2002


You've got to admire the Bush re-election ads being rolled out today. With up to $60 million to spend by convention time, the campaign is plotting the most expensive political advertising seduction in history, and you can see the money on the screen.

In scary/gauzy images, the president does his best to shift the blame, take the credit and transmit concern about regular folks — waitresses, welders, firefighters, black children, black seniors, middle-class families — when he really spends more time helping his fat-cat corporate friends.

Mr. Bush continues to imply that we should be scared because we're not safe, so we need to keep him to protect our national security. Which seems like a weird contradiction. If he's so good at protecting us, why aren't we safe?

The president doesn't hesitate to exploit 9/11 in his ads, even as he tries to keep 9/11 orphans and widows in the dark about what really happened.

Mr. Bush's ad flashes a shot of firefighters removing some flag-draped remains of a victim from the wreckage at ground zero even as he prohibits the filming of flag-draped remains of soldiers coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan. You might call the Bush ads, an homage to Ronald Reagan's famous ads, "Mourning in America."

Nothing like hypocrisy with high production values.

I'm assuming that the second phase of the ad blitz will highlight the man with the plan: Dick Cheney. The Cheney ads could appeal to the base, featuring rich white men in the back seats of limos, showing how hard it is to make the tough decisions for you.

Consider the possibilities:

ON THE SCREEN The spot lingers on a shot of the vice president's office door, closed and padlocked.

THE SCRIPT: "Big enough to tell you to butt out. Sensitive enough to know that special interests are truly special."

ON THE SCREEN The spot opens with a tightly focused shot of a headless pheasant, then dissolves into a shot of a big Dick Cheney putting a miniature Antonin Scalia into the pocket of his Elmer Fudd hunting jacket.

THE SCRIPT "Man enough to hunt with all the big dogs."

ON THE SCREEN The spot opens with Mr. Cheney checking his mailbox on Massachusetts Avenue to see whether he's received his annual deferred compensation check for $150,000 from Halliburton.

THE SCRIPT "Bighearted enough to forgive and forget Halliburton's pesky overcharges in Iraq for oil, and food for American troops."

ON THE SCREEN A picture of Mr. Cheney beaming at his family.

THE SCRIPT "Strong enough to put his base above his daughter and support a constitutional amendment against gay marriage."

ON THE SCREEN A close-up of Mr. Cheney accepting a huge N.R.A. check in his spider hole.

THE SCRIPT "Protective enough to safeguard the firearms industry from liberal potshots."

ON THE SCREEN While the "Pink Panther" music plays, we see a cartoon of the vice president, dressed in an Inspector Clouseau trenchcoat and a false mustache, wandering the desert with a spyglass.

THE SCRIPT "Steely enough to ignore the administration's own intelligence on the absence of W.M.D. and an Al Qaeda connection to Saddam. Farsighted enough to know that one of these decades, the rocks and trash that Iraqis are throwing at American forces will be replaced by flowers and palm fronds."

ON THE SCREEN A doctored photo of John Kerry, his war medals airbrushed out, canoodling with Jane Fonda at an antiwar rally.

THE SCRIPT "After getting four student deferments himself during Vietnam so he could attend to `other priorities,' he's still gritty enough to paint John Kerry as a spineless wimp on Vietnam and Iraq."

ON THE SCREEN A shot of Mr. Cheney driving the Nascar Viagra race car.

THE SCRIPT "Audacious enough to shred the American Constitution, even while he imposes one on Iraq."

Instead of speaking at the end to say he approved the message, as Mr. Bush does in his, Mr. Cheney comes on at the end of his spots with a paper bag over his head and says, "It's none of your beeswax who approved this message." Except in one, where a rotund man comes on and says, "I am Ahmad Chalabi, and I approved this message."

New member
Sep 20, 2004
you are too much
should be a comedian --very funny!

but the point "...if he's so good at protecting us why are we not safe..."

we aren't????? we've been attacked since 9/11????


first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 20, 2004
how can one not take a comedic view of a ny times article. then again, are they sure this woman even wrote the piece???


first Iraq, then France

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Let me think. On the right hand we have that bastion of truth and fairness called Newsmax. Then on the left we have the poor ignorant, but comical N.Y. Times. Which one should I should I take serious? Upon a bit of reflection, I believe its my turn to say LOL.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
yeah, the ny times does such a wonderful job of checking the veracity of their reporters stories

first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 21, 2002
"first Iraq, then France"

It's a testament to the insularity of your idiocy hansen, that you still haven't removed your moronic signature after tons of posts against your opionions on the war, and the signature in particular, and after so long since the war has been over.
Sep 21, 2004

"All we have left is our friendship."
posted February 28, 2004 11:58 PM
Remember what this war in Iraq stands for:

A war launched with falsehoods, distortions and deception.
An occupation by troops untrained & unprepared to run a country.
Soldiers dying and wounded needlessly for politicians who avoided war themselves.
Corporations reaping huge profits & oil companies staking out new turf.
Veterans whose benefits are cut and treatment is neglected.
Conflict in the name of “democracy” while our rights are undermined in the name of “security”.
An economy with money for prisons but not for schools, for guns but not for health care.
Soldiers drafted by poverty and lack of opportunity based on promised benefits, training and education.
The prospect of more wars fought by working people & the poor for the privileged and the rich.

We shall see indeed how the military votes in November.

Posts: 8778 | Registered: July 20, 2002

Sodium Pentethol V
Certifiably Crazy
posted February 29, 2004 01:45 AM
Remember what this war in Iraq stands for

Remember what Aemrica stands for

1)Only superpower left on earth
2)Responsible for the largest advancement of mankind in the history of earth
3)70% of all commerce and industry is conducted in USD
4)The liberation of oppressed people's worldwide fr Kosovo to former soveit blocs
5)Only country that medical brakthrough is part of the langauge

Posts: 689 | Registered: May 28, 2003

Sodium Pentethol V
Certifiably Crazy
posted February 29, 2004 01:58 AM
Remember what this war in Iraq stands for:

A war launched with falsehoods, distortions and deception.

Really???????????? False pretenses DID HE OR DID HE NOT VIOLATE 18 UN RESOLUTIONS? Think the other malcontent leaders of the world want to be dragged by their hair from a hole in the ground? Yea false pretenses, BUSH IS WINNING THE WAR THAT COUNTS.

An occupation by troops untrained & unprepared to run a country.

200 plus years of liberation and yet you prefer the oppressive dictator, who inevitably would've become an imminent threat if he wasn't already.

Soldiers dying and wounded needlessly for politicians who avoided war themselves.

Really funny I feel safer now, isn;t that the point of the miltary to make it safer for me and my family? I guess not, cause if it was up to you, we would juts kick backand wait for the nuke to explode in NYC before reacting, wait until the guy really is a formidable foe, then send them off the be murdered.

Corporations reaping huge profits & oil companies staking out new turf.

Damn those capitalists. hey you want socilism, move to europe, we left and started this place so those that work hard can escape oppressive taxation.

Veterans whose benefits are cut and treatment is neglected.

I am certain you mean the same veterans who enjoy a quality of life commensurate with royalty elsewhere?

Conflict in the name of “democracy” while our rights are undermined in the name of “security”.

Freedom all in the name of treason, seriously like a socialist state move back to the old country.

An economy with money for prisons but not for schools, for guns but not for health care.

If you phucking morons have your way you will phuck up the world's finest medical system the same way you phucked up the world's greatest education and legal systems. Yea more taxes, more taxes, more taxes, seriously we fought the revolution to avoid people like you, people who punish those who actually work to get ahead.

Soldiers drafted by poverty and lack of opportunity based on promised benefits, training and education.
The prospect of more wars fought by working people & the poor for the privileged and the rich.

Seriously, want to live in a classless society that values equality over innovation, risk and hard work. THen phucking move and stop ruining my country.

We shall see indeed how the military votes in November.

Yea the military will vote for scumbag Kerry? What a phucking idiot, please move, stop dumbing down our gene pool.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Even among conservatives sodium pentethol and hansen bros would have to considerd mental midgets.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
SP: let me ask you this: why is it not okay for Saddam to flip the UN the bird, but completely justifiable, with guns and bombs no less, for Bush to do precisely the same thing?

For all these pro-attack posters in here who use the ignoring of UN resolutions by Saddam, I ask you to consider how well any American president would cooperate with international forces telling him he had to disarm. I think we know precisely what that answer would be.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You won't hear about these people in the mainstream media so I thought I would get it some pub.

Hero 9/11 Firefighter Defends Bush Ads

Hero New York City firefighter Mike Moran, whose words of defiance against Osama bin Laden helped rally the nation in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, said Friday that he finds President Bush's campaign ads invoking the attacks "inspirational."

"I think they're inspirational," Moran told No. 1 radio host Rush Limbaugh. "They remind me of how lost I felt on 9/11," explained the hero smoke-eater, whose brother John, also a fireman, perished when he rushed into World Trade Center Tower Two to rescue stranded New Yorkers that day.

"Seeing on the news when George Bush went down to the Trade Center to put his arm around that fireman - the words he spoke - they were inspirational," Moran told Limbaugh. "They made me feel like, wow, this isn't just going to be another terrorist attack where we sit back on our a---- and do nothing."

Moran criticized family members of other 9/11 victims who have complained about the ads, saying, "It's nothing less than slimy." He said too many Americans seem to want to forget some of the images from that day that appear in the Bush ads.

The famed fireman also weighed in on rebuilding efforts now ongoing at Ground Zero, saying he'd like to see the Towers reconstructed just as they were before, with one modification.

"I think we should build them bigger, the same way ... [but] name one tower Mecca and one Medina, and [announce] that as long as those towers are standing those cities will stand," he told Limbaugh.

Moran rose to national prominence five weeks after the attacks when he mounted the stage at Paul McCartney's "Concert for Heroes." As the show was being telecast worldwide, he spoke the words that resonated with Americans from coast to coast:

"All I can say, on behalf of my brother John and the twelve members from Ladder 3 that we've lost ... and all the people from my neighborhood, my hometown, Rockaway Beach, Queens, New York - our friends, our relatives, our neighbors, they are not gone because they are not forgotten."

Then, in one of the most memorable lines to come out of the disaster, Moran added:

"And I want to say one more thing, in the spirit of the Irish people: Osama bin Laden, you can kiss my royal Irish a--!"

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I read your post regarding Fireman Moran and understand that he is okay with the ads, other widows and family members are not. You are certainly right in pointing out those who have been affected and are okay with the ads. Me personally, I think in bad taste that Presidential re-election campaign shows firefighter coffin in an ad but refuses to allow photos of coffins of American military returning from Iraq. In all fairness, a lot of people who were closer to 9/11 tragedy do not feel that way, such as Fireman Moran.

Btw, we pretty much don't agree on anything politically but I am appreciative of your civil discourse and the fact that I think you are sincere in your beliefs and you want to do what's right for America. We probably won't agree on aything going forward either - but that's what our country was founded on: the free expression of ideas. And I do respect your opinions although for most part I don't agree.

Peace out,

New member
Sep 20, 2004
there are just as many family members of lost loved ones that are in complete support of the ads -- and as i'm sure you could guess we are oppisite sides here as well.


first Iraq, then France

Sep 21, 2004
wil, thanks for submitting another example of New York Times yellow journalism. Good to see the quality of their objective reporting remains in tact even after Jayson Blair is long gone.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I agree about some family members of lost ones being in support and if you go back and read my post I pretty much say as much.

Personally, I and other family members think it's in questionable taste, others do not.

You and Kman will disagree with me on this topic but I respect your opinions, I think you guys are sincere in what you believe. That's all.


P.S. Will T-Wolves get out of 1st round this year? I say they do, but unfortunately get knocked off before Finals.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
THANK GOD you are NOT our secretary of state. you are absolutely clueless on foreign relations!!! CLUELESS!!

i know you are so far left we can barely recognize you, but there must be a shred of common sense in there some where????

1. your comparing hussein -- a man KNOWN TO HAVE: killed his own people, hell, killed his own blood, tried to commit genocide, started non-retaliatory wars, been a dictator, a tyrant, harboer of terrorists to our president?????

"...thumbing his nose at the un, what do you call what bush did...."

how about goddamn 9/11?? we were attacked!!! and don't give me this bullshit that he wasn't a part of it! WAKE THE F--UP!

how about ignoring the un resolutions, all of them???? WAKE THE F--UP!!!

how about taking all the monies in the oil for food program???? WAKE THE F---UP!!!

not to mention WE ARE the un!!! call it arrogant, fine. but i will say you're ignorant if you think otherwise -- we pay for most everything, we provide the police force for most everything -- we are good people, trying to rid the world of the bad, period!!!

for you to make such an insidious comparison is no less than shameful.

first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 20, 2004
damnet!!! we disagree again!!! kg will will then to at least the finals this year!!! casell not only adds an all star, he makes this team confident, and deep!! watch for t-hud off the bench in the playoffs!!! i see them making it to the finals, and in a surprise losing to the eastern champ (just happy to be there!!!

peace my friend!


first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hansen worte:

how about goddamn 9/11?? we were attacked!!! and don't give me this bullshit that he wasn't a part of it! WAKE THE F--UP!

Hansen, given the passion in your post, I think some evidence would be due, in order to justify your claim that Hussein was part of the World trade center attacks.

Simply saying "dont give me that bullshit" does not comply with logic, and I would imagine that you would hold those opposed with you on other issues to be held to those same standards.

Until empirical evidence backs up the notion that Iraq was involved in 9-11, I think that the supporters of this war should attempt to justify the war using some of the other points. Which you did, but I personally think that the link of 9-11 to Iraq has been unsubtantiated, and is one of the weaker justifications for the war.

But as you know, I have been against this war from day one, so I am not sure if you will give my humble opinion very much thought.

So it goes...

New member
Sep 20, 2004
actually i really appreciate and understand your sentiments. however, i feel the evidence has been substantiated; it might be circumstantial, but it definitley has been substantiated. it is crystal clear that hussein and his henchmen had several meetings with al queida members leading up to that tragic day. what was said and done in those meetings is at this point unknow --thus the circumstantial point. but imo i this evidence is less circumstantial than the evidence in the oj trial.


first Iraq, then France

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