<TABLE id=betterb><TBODY><TR><TH></TH><TD class=blacktextnb10 style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">The era of greed<WBR> and irres<WBR>ponsi<WBR>bilit<WBR>y on Wall Stree<WBR>t and in Washi<WBR>ngton<WBR> has creat<WBR>ed a finan<WBR>cial crisi<WBR>s as profo<WBR>und as any we have faced<WBR> since<WBR> the Great<WBR> Depre<WBR>ssion<WBR>.
Congr<WBR>ess and the Presi<WBR>dent are debat<WBR>ing a bailo<WBR>ut of our finan<WBR>cial insti<WBR>tutio<WBR>ns with a price<WBR> tag of $700 billi<WBR>on or more in taxpa<WBR>yer dolla<WBR>rs. We canno<WBR>t under<WBR>estim<WBR>ate our respo<WBR>nsibi<WBR>lity in takin<WBR>g such an enorm<WBR>ous step.
Whate<WBR>ver shape<WBR> our recov<WBR>ery plan takes<WBR>, it must be guide<WBR>d by core princ<WBR>iples<WBR> of fairn<WBR>ess, balan<WBR>ce, and respo<WBR>nsibi<WBR>lity to one anoth<WBR>er.
Pleas<WBR>e sign on to show your suppo<WBR>rt for an econo<WBR>mic recov<WBR>ery plan based<WBR> on the follo<WBR>wing:
• No Golde<WBR>n Parac<WBR>hutes<WBR> -- Taxpa<WBR>yer dolla<WBR>rs shoul<WBR>d not be used to rewar<WBR>d the irres<WBR>ponsi<WBR>ble Wall Stree<WBR>t execu<WBR>tives<WBR> who helme<WBR>d this disas<WBR>ter.
• Main Stree<WBR>t, Not Just Wall Stree<WBR>t -- Any bailo<WBR>ut plan must inclu<WBR>de a payba<WBR>ck strat<WBR>egy for taxpa<WBR>yers who are footi<WBR>ng the bill and aid to innoc<WBR>ent homeo<WBR>wners<WBR> who are facin<WBR>g forec<WBR>losur<WBR>e.
• Bipar<WBR>tisan<WBR> Overs<WBR>ight -- The stagg<WBR>ering<WBR> amoun<WBR>t of taxpa<WBR>yer money<WBR> invol<WBR>ved deman<WBR>ds a bipar<WBR>tisan<WBR> board<WBR> to ensur<WBR>e accou<WBR>ntabi<WBR>lity and overs<WBR>ight.
Show your suppo<WBR>rt and encou<WBR>rage your frien<WBR>ds and famil<WBR>y to join you:
http:<WBR>/<WBR>/my. barac<WBR>kobam<WBR>a. com/<WBR>ourpl<WBR>an
The faile<WBR>d econo<WBR>mic polic<WBR>ies and the same corru<WBR>pt cultu<WBR>re that led us into this mess will not help get us out of it. We need to get to work immed<WBR>iatel<WBR>y on refor<WBR>ming the broke<WBR>n gover<WBR>nment<WBR> -- and the broke<WBR>n polit<WBR>ics -- that allow<WBR>ed this crisi<WBR>s to happe<WBR>n in the first<WBR> place<WBR>.
And we have to under<WBR>stand<WBR> that a recov<WBR>ery packa<WBR>ge is just the begin<WBR>ning.<WBR> We have a plan that will guara<WBR>ntee our long-<WBR>term prosp<WBR>erity<WBR> -- inclu<WBR>ding tax cuts for 95 perce<WBR>nt of famil<WBR>ies, an econo<WBR>mic stimu<WBR>lus packa<WBR>ge that creat<WBR>es milli<WBR>ons of new jobs and leads<WBR> us towar<WBR>ds energ<WBR>y indep<WBR>enden<WBR>ce, and healt<WBR>h care that is affor<WBR>dable<WBR> to every<WBR> Ameri<WBR>can.
It won'<WBR>t be easy.<WBR> The kind of chang<WBR>e we'<WBR>re looki<WBR>ng for never<WBR> is.
But if we work toget<WBR>her and stand<WBR> by these<WBR> princ<WBR>iples<WBR>, we can get throu<WBR>gh this crisi<WBR>s and emerg<WBR>e a stron<WBR>ger natio<WBR>n.
Thank<WBR> you,
Congr<WBR>ess and the Presi<WBR>dent are debat<WBR>ing a bailo<WBR>ut of our finan<WBR>cial insti<WBR>tutio<WBR>ns with a price<WBR> tag of $700 billi<WBR>on or more in taxpa<WBR>yer dolla<WBR>rs. We canno<WBR>t under<WBR>estim<WBR>ate our respo<WBR>nsibi<WBR>lity in takin<WBR>g such an enorm<WBR>ous step.
Whate<WBR>ver shape<WBR> our recov<WBR>ery plan takes<WBR>, it must be guide<WBR>d by core princ<WBR>iples<WBR> of fairn<WBR>ess, balan<WBR>ce, and respo<WBR>nsibi<WBR>lity to one anoth<WBR>er.
Pleas<WBR>e sign on to show your suppo<WBR>rt for an econo<WBR>mic recov<WBR>ery plan based<WBR> on the follo<WBR>wing:
• No Golde<WBR>n Parac<WBR>hutes<WBR> -- Taxpa<WBR>yer dolla<WBR>rs shoul<WBR>d not be used to rewar<WBR>d the irres<WBR>ponsi<WBR>ble Wall Stree<WBR>t execu<WBR>tives<WBR> who helme<WBR>d this disas<WBR>ter.
• Main Stree<WBR>t, Not Just Wall Stree<WBR>t -- Any bailo<WBR>ut plan must inclu<WBR>de a payba<WBR>ck strat<WBR>egy for taxpa<WBR>yers who are footi<WBR>ng the bill and aid to innoc<WBR>ent homeo<WBR>wners<WBR> who are facin<WBR>g forec<WBR>losur<WBR>e.
• Bipar<WBR>tisan<WBR> Overs<WBR>ight -- The stagg<WBR>ering<WBR> amoun<WBR>t of taxpa<WBR>yer money<WBR> invol<WBR>ved deman<WBR>ds a bipar<WBR>tisan<WBR> board<WBR> to ensur<WBR>e accou<WBR>ntabi<WBR>lity and overs<WBR>ight.
Show your suppo<WBR>rt and encou<WBR>rage your frien<WBR>ds and famil<WBR>y to join you:
http:<WBR>/<WBR>/my. barac<WBR>kobam<WBR>a. com/<WBR>ourpl<WBR>an
The faile<WBR>d econo<WBR>mic polic<WBR>ies and the same corru<WBR>pt cultu<WBR>re that led us into this mess will not help get us out of it. We need to get to work immed<WBR>iatel<WBR>y on refor<WBR>ming the broke<WBR>n gover<WBR>nment<WBR> -- and the broke<WBR>n polit<WBR>ics -- that allow<WBR>ed this crisi<WBR>s to happe<WBR>n in the first<WBR> place<WBR>.
And we have to under<WBR>stand<WBR> that a recov<WBR>ery packa<WBR>ge is just the begin<WBR>ning.<WBR> We have a plan that will guara<WBR>ntee our long-<WBR>term prosp<WBR>erity<WBR> -- inclu<WBR>ding tax cuts for 95 perce<WBR>nt of famil<WBR>ies, an econo<WBR>mic stimu<WBR>lus packa<WBR>ge that creat<WBR>es milli<WBR>ons of new jobs and leads<WBR> us towar<WBR>ds energ<WBR>y indep<WBR>enden<WBR>ce, and healt<WBR>h care that is affor<WBR>dable<WBR> to every<WBR> Ameri<WBR>can.
It won'<WBR>t be easy.<WBR> The kind of chang<WBR>e we'<WBR>re looki<WBR>ng for never<WBR> is.
But if we work toget<WBR>her and stand<WBR> by these<WBR> princ<WBR>iples<WBR>, we can get throu<WBR>gh this crisi<WBR>s and emerg<WBR>e a stron<WBR>ger natio<WBR>n.
Thank<WBR> you,