Greed & Irresponsibility - By Barack Obama


Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
<TABLE id=betterb><TBODY><TR><TH></TH><TD class=blacktextnb10 style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">The era of greed<WBR> and irres<WBR>ponsi<WBR>bilit<WBR>y on Wall Stree<WBR>t and in Washi<WBR>ngton<WBR> has creat<WBR>ed a finan<WBR>cial crisi<WBR>s as profo<WBR>und as any we have faced<WBR> since<WBR> the Great<WBR> Depre<WBR>ssion<WBR>.

Congr<WBR>ess and the Presi<WBR>dent are debat<WBR>ing a bailo<WBR>ut of our finan<WBR>cial insti<WBR>tutio<WBR>ns with a price<WBR> tag of $700 billi<WBR>on or more in taxpa<WBR>yer dolla<WBR>rs. We canno<WBR>t under<WBR>estim<WBR>ate our respo<WBR>nsibi<WBR>lity in takin<WBR>g such an enorm<WBR>ous step.

Whate<WBR>ver shape<WBR> our recov<WBR>ery plan takes<WBR>, it must be guide<WBR>d by core princ<WBR>iples<WBR> of fairn<WBR>ess, balan<WBR>ce, and respo<WBR>nsibi<WBR>lity to one anoth<WBR>er.

Pleas<WBR>e sign on to show your suppo<WBR>rt for an econo<WBR>mic recov<WBR>ery plan based<WBR> on the follo<WBR>wing:

• No Golde<WBR>n Parac<WBR>hutes<WBR> -- Taxpa<WBR>yer dolla<WBR>rs shoul<WBR>d not be used to rewar<WBR>d the irres<WBR>ponsi<WBR>ble Wall Stree<WBR>t execu<WBR>tives<WBR> who helme<WBR>d this disas<WBR>ter.

• Main Stree<WBR>t, Not Just Wall Stree<WBR>t -- Any bailo<WBR>ut plan must inclu<WBR>de a payba<WBR>ck strat<WBR>egy for taxpa<WBR>yers who are footi<WBR>ng the bill and aid to innoc<WBR>ent homeo<WBR>wners<WBR> who are facin<WBR>g forec<WBR>losur<WBR>e.

• Bipar<WBR>tisan<WBR> Overs<WBR>ight -- The stagg<WBR>ering<WBR> amoun<WBR>t of taxpa<WBR>yer money<WBR> invol<WBR>ved deman<WBR>ds a bipar<WBR>tisan<WBR> board<WBR> to ensur<WBR>e accou<WBR>ntabi<WBR>lity and overs<WBR>ight.

Show your suppo<WBR>rt and encou<WBR>rage your frien<WBR>ds and famil<WBR>y to join you:

http:<WBR>/<WBR>/my. barac<WBR>kobam<WBR>a. com/<WBR>ourpl<WBR>an

The faile<WBR>d econo<WBR>mic polic<WBR>ies and the same corru<WBR>pt cultu<WBR>re that led us into this mess will not help get us out of it. We need to get to work immed<WBR>iatel<WBR>y on refor<WBR>ming the broke<WBR>n gover<WBR>nment<WBR> -- and the broke<WBR>n polit<WBR>ics -- that allow<WBR>ed this crisi<WBR>s to happe<WBR>n in the first<WBR> place<WBR>.

And we have to under<WBR>stand<WBR> that a recov<WBR>ery packa<WBR>ge is just the begin<WBR>ning.<WBR> We have a plan that will guara<WBR>ntee our long-<WBR>term prosp<WBR>erity<WBR> -- inclu<WBR>ding tax cuts for 95 perce<WBR>nt of famil<WBR>ies, an econo<WBR>mic stimu<WBR>lus packa<WBR>ge that creat<WBR>es milli<WBR>ons of new jobs and leads<WBR> us towar<WBR>ds energ<WBR>y indep<WBR>enden<WBR>ce, and healt<WBR>h care that is affor<WBR>dable<WBR> to every<WBR> Ameri<WBR>can.

It won'<WBR>t be easy.<WBR> The kind of chang<WBR>e we'<WBR>re looki<WBR>ng for never<WBR> is.

But if we work toget<WBR>her and stand<WBR> by these<WBR> princ<WBR>iples<WBR>, we can get throu<WBR>gh this crisi<WBR>s and emerg<WBR>e a stron<WBR>ger natio<WBR>n.

Thank<WBR> you,


Jan 6, 2007
Obama financers:
<TABLE class=datadisplay id=industries><TBODY><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Goldman Sachs </TD><TD class=number>$691,930</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>University of California </TD><TD class=number>$611,207</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Citigroup Inc </TD><TD class=number>$448,599</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>JPMorgan Chase & Co </TD><TD class=number>$442,919</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Harvard University </TD><TD class=number>$435,769</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Google Inc </TD><TD class=number>$420,174</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>UBS AG </TD><TD class=number>$404,750</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>National Amusements Inc </TD><TD class=number>$389,140</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Microsoft Corp </TD><TD class=number>$377,235</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Lehman Brothers </TD><TD class=number>$370,524</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Sidley Austin LLP </TD><TD class=number>$350,302</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap> </TD><TD class=number>$347,463</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Skadden, Arps et al </TD><TD class=number>$340,264</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Time Warner </TD><TD class=number>$338,527</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Wilmerhale Llp </TD><TD class=number>$335,398</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Morgan Stanley </TD><TD class=number>$318,070</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Latham & Watkins </TD><TD class=number>$297,400</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Jones Day </TD><TD class=number>$289,476</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>University of Chicago </TD><TD class=number>$278,885</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Stanford University </TD><TD class=number>$276,038</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

The people looting the country are financing Obama. What a joke, this guy's full of shit and Americans are getting suckered once again.

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
and Mccain too:

<TABLE class=datadisplay id=industries><TBODY><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Merrill Lynch </TD><TD class=number>$298,413</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Citigroup Inc </TD><TD class=number>$269,251</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Morgan Stanley </TD><TD class=number>$233,272</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Goldman Sachs </TD><TD class=number>$208,395</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>JPMorgan Chase & Co </TD><TD class=number>$179,975</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>AT&T Inc </TD><TD class=number>$174,487</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Blank Rome LLP </TD><TD class=number>$150,426</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Credit Suisse Group </TD><TD class=number>$150,025</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Greenberg Traurig LLP </TD><TD class=number>$146,787</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>UBS AG </TD><TD class=number>$140,165</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>PricewaterhouseCoopers </TD><TD class=number>$140,120</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>US Government </TD><TD class=number>$137,617</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Bank of America </TD><TD class=number>$129,475</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Wachovia Corp </TD><TD class=number>$122,846</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Lehman Brothers </TD><TD class=number>$117,500</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>FedEx Corp </TD><TD class=number>$113,453</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher </TD><TD class=number>$104,250</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>US Army </TD><TD class=number>$103,613</TD></TR><TR class=rowTint><TD noWrap>Bear Stearns </TD><TD class=number>$99,300</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Pinnacle West Capital </TD><TD class=number>$97,700</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

The people looting the country are financing Mccain. What a joke, this guy's full of shit and Americans are getting suckered once again.

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
but you can see the largest portion of Obamas money came from individual donors..

Source of Funds
Individual contributions $426,902,991 94%
PAC contributions $450 0%
Candidate self-financing $0 0%
Federal Funds $0 0%
Other $27,152,882 6%

and Mccain Here:

Source of Funds
Individual contributions $184,758,250 80%
PAC contributions $1,346,385 1%
Candidate self-financing $0 0%
Federal Funds $0 0%
Other $43,935,187 19%

New member
Nov 21, 2000
I havent seen anything from John Mccain...

He made a few points yesterday ... and the good thing is that both candidates aren't going to give Paulson, Bushie or Dickie the power to do as they please.

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