Geez GTC...I actually agree with you on most of this post. Hey, one question...
I know you are an Obama big deal. I am guessing you are democrat, I already know you are left.
Based on the above post, I assume you have a job and are a productive member of society..
I have just a single question...all other Dem/GOP issues aside.
How in the world can you agree with the tax and spend platform of the Democratic party? (I know Obama has conviniently changed his stance now, so I would rather leave Obama/McCain discussion out of this.)
Do you feel it it fair to take more from people like yourself and myself, who get up every morning, go to work, buy groceries, homes, you feel it is fair to take money from our pockets and give it to others who do not? I am not talking about Blacks, whites, yellows, etc.
A straightforward question, with no stipulations. Disabled and elderly excluded.
Do you feel it fair to take money out of our pockets and give it to those who dont work?
Might not be fair, but needed, at least with how this country is run now. If everyone benefits from something, which they do by getting your hard earned money, if spent correctly, that money should come full circle to you in terms of your standard of living being improved by them.
for example, if i have a foreclosed property next to me, and the property just sits there, weeds going crazy, etc, dirt covering it etc, thats going to diminish the value of homes around me. now if i have money being spent the correct way around me in my locale, which it's not by all the problems nationwide, that foreclosed home would be renovated and sold, a new family would be living there, and your home value would increase, a cause and effect.
cause, foreclosed home drops your home value. effect, you have a harder time selling it based on a hypothetical example of not giving up your money or the gov spending it incorrect.
now cause and effect of people spending the right way and you giving them money.
cause, somebody moves in, house is updated, effect, your home value increases.
basically we are all intertwined to each other. if you dont give them money, they will get it from you to the tune of a 9mm to your head. or you could give it to them, they can be taught to spend it wisely, and you can be better off, have a better standard of living even though there taking your money.