Geppi Passed Away Today


New member
Sep 20, 2004
sorry for your loss Geppi. Know it all to well and this girl in my avatar, don't want to see the day when her time comes but i know it will one day. RIP Geppi

Thanks and enjoy your moments and make the most of them. You will never meet a human in your life more loyal than that pooch. Guess that's why deity is in their spelt backwards is god.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
God Bless you and Geppi.
I'm very sorry to read that and I pray that his soul is in heaven.
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I remember being told as a kid in catholic school that animals don't have souls but I know that's not true. The Lord would never create anything that wonderful without being able to bring it home to him. In recent years one of the popes actually changed that view by the church, not that it really matters. I know I'll see Gep on the other side and in his dying moments I told him so.

New member
Sep 23, 2009
Sorry to hear that Geppi is gone. I am an animal lover and enjoy being around all animals. Dogs are so loyal and in many cases can become "better than a friend." The one thing I always tell folks who see their precious dogs pass on.......and I believe this is.......ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN. RIP Geppi........

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Sorry to hear that Geppi is gone. I am an animal lover and enjoy being around all animals. Dogs are so loyal and in many cases can become "better than a friend." The one thing I always tell folks who see their precious dogs pass on.......and I believe this is.......ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN. RIP Geppi........

Thanks Sharp, no doubt in my mind. I hope I make it so I can get to see him again. I'm the question mark in the equation but I'm working on it as my grand daughter would say.

New member
Oct 21, 2006
You know what Geppi would want you to do in his memory? Rip your books head off. Win one for the Gepper....

New member
Aug 4, 2009
MAn ive had my dog for 11 years when he dies i know it will be tuff wish you and yours the best of wishes.


Sep 21, 2004
I'm the ultimate sucker when it comes to dog's. I carry bags of food in my trunk for stray's. When i first saw Geppi on your avatar three years ago,i could not believe how much he resembled my OBIe. He was a dog that i rescued off a Golf coarse. he was the spitting image of Geppi and i also had to put him down after 17 years, but it was some great years for both him and i. I'm sure sorry and it won't go away right away. You will have moments when you see a picture or toy that will bring back some great memories. RIP GEPPI.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I'm the ultimate sucker when it comes to dog's. I carry bags of food in my trunk for stray's. When i first saw Geppi on your avatar three years ago,i could not believe how much he resembled my OBIe. He was a dog that i rescued off a Golf coarse. he was the spitting image of Geppi and i also had to put him down after 17 years, but it was some great years for both him and i. I'm sure sorry and it won't go away right away. You will have moments when you see a picture or toy that will bring back some great memories. RIP GEPPI.

Thanks Buddy. I know how this goes after losing our 16 yr old Maltese last year but it doesn't get any easier. It's raining here today so I can't bury him, but he's save and buttoned up in his casket which is sealed and won't let anything in to get him. Tomorrow he'll join the two other dogs in the pet cemetery I made for them.


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New member
Sep 20, 2004
And Swamisportstalk, right? All is well here in the Red Stick. Who ya like today?
Yep Swami too. I haven't been following handicapping for awhile since I had trouble funding an offshore. Geppi was a PSU and Giant-Jets fan. He had the sweaters for the NFL teams and wore them proudly. Hope his teams make it.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
MAn ive had my dog for 11 years when he dies i know it will be tuff wish you and yours the best of wishes.


It's like losing a family member. I don't know what losing a child feels like and never want to but this I would imagine is close.

Stock Trading and Handicapping Contrarian
Sep 21, 2004
Yep Swami too. I haven't been following handicapping for awhile since I had trouble funding an offshore. Geppi was a PSU and Giant-Jets fan. He had the sweaters for the NFL teams and wore them proudly. Hope his teams make it.

I will be pulling for PSU and G-Men then but can't pull against my Saints though. Have a good weekend and I hope things get better for ya!

Sep 21, 2004
Geppi, people think i'm crazy. Had both of my dogs cremated and bought small little boxes they make for them with their name on them and an inscription.If i'm going to be gone for long periods, say a month or more i take them with me and seT them on the mantle.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Geppi, people think i'm crazy. Had both of my dogs cremated and bought small little boxes they make for them with their name on them and an inscription.If i'm going to be gone for long periods, say a month or more i take them with me and seT them on the mantle.

I don't think that's crazy. People think I've gone too far with the caskets and headstones but my wife and I both wanted to show them the dignity and respect our dogs deserved after a lifetime of loyalty and loving. There is a bit of solace and comfort in knowing where they are, a feeling that they are still with us and I couldn't just throw dirt on them. I spent about $200 dollars for each dog for the items, peanuts compared to money I pissed away gambling and a small price to pay to honor them.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Betall, I did not see your post. Reading The Rainbow Bridge brings tears every time. LT

Coach you will like this also:

"No Dogs In Heaven"

An old man and his dog were walking down a hot, dusty road lined with a beautiful white fence on both sides. As they walked along, the old man and his dog became very thirsty and tired.
Soon, they came to a gate in the fence where, on the other side, they saw a nice grassy, wooded area surrounding a cool clear pool of fresh water. "Just where a thirsty 'huntin' dog and a man would like to rest!" thought the old man. But there was a sign over the gate that read "No Dogs" so they walked on.
Further on, they came upon a man in flowing white robes standing just inside a strong iron gate across a path that led to a beautiful, sunny meadow with a cool clear stream running through it.
"'Scuse me Sir," said the old man, "My dog and I have been on this road all day. Mind if we come in and sit in the shade for awhile?" "Of course!" The man said. "Come on in and rest. You look thirsty and tired." The old man said, "We sure are!" and started through the gate with his dog.
The gatekeeper stopped him. "Sorry, you can come in but your dog can't come with you. "You see, this is Heaven, and dogs aren't allowed here. He has to stay out here on the road." "What kind of Heaven won't allow dogs?" said the old man. "Well, if he can't come in, then I'll stay out here on the road with him. He's been my faithful companion all his life and I won't desert him now."
"Suit yourself," said the gatekeeper, "but I have to warn you, the Devil's on this road and he'll try to sweet talk you into his place. He'll promise you anything, but dogs can't go there either. If you won't leave that dog on the road, you'll spend all Eternity on the road with him. Better if you stay here."
"Well, I'm stayin' with my dog," replied the man and he and the dog walked on. Gradually, the fence became more and more faded and rundown until they finally reached a spot where the boards fell away completely leaving a gap. Another man dressed in old, ragged clothes sat just inside the broken fence under a shady tree.
"'Scuse me Sir," said the old man, "My dog and I have been on this road all day. Mind if we come in and sit in the shade for awhile?" "Of course!" The man said. "Come on in and rest. There's some cold water here under the tree. Make yourself comfortable."
The old man paused, "but what about my dog? Can he can come in, too? The man up the road said dogs weren't allowed here, and they had to stay on the road." The other man answered, "Well, you look pretty tired and thirsty. Would you come in here and rest if you had to leave that dog?"
"No sir!" the old man replied, "A glass of cold water and some shade would be mighty fine right about now but I won't come in if my buddy here can't come too. I didn't go to Heaven because my dog couldn't come with me, so I sure as how ain't about to go to Hell without him neither."
The man smiled and said, "Welcome to Heaven, and bring your dog!" The old man exclaimed, "You mean this is Heaven? And my dog can come with me? Then why did that fellow down the road say they weren't allowed in Heaven?" The man replied, "That was the Devil and he gets all the souls who are willing to give up a life-long companion for small comfort because they think it will make their lives a little easier."
The man continued, "They soon find out their mistake, but, then it's too late. The dogs come here, the fickle people stay there. God wouldn't allow dogs to be banned from Heaven. After all, He created them to be man's companions in life, why would he separate them in death?"
- Story is based on an episode of The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

New member
Jan 3, 2009
Please accept my condolences for the loss of Geppi - some people may regard animals as animals, but they truly are furry family members

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