Hey I guess I'm human....3-4-1 on Thur.with KG killing us Laker hopefuls at the end.Let's not panic though...our STONES will get it done again tonight.
Man I can't believe what just happen! They should of covered! That was BS. No Hackenshaq either at end! Unbelievable. Oh well. That was close to winning. It was a good pick in my opinion. Just got set up that's all!
think last nite another example of how game controlled by Stern w/ little fix here and there....notice how under came in w/ no HackaShaq.........wonder why?...why didn't Minny foul at end to try and trade 1 for 2 or 3 and get back in game.....fishy??? JMO...
GL BB.........I too am 100% believer in Det-4 and under.....Indy bad ATS record , especially away and this should be a tight fought game as Indy has back against wall and if Det loses it means they lose home ct advantage and are in a best of 3.....Det ez winner
This has been some run, knock on wood, I couldn't believe KG hit that three for me to cover, had the under also. I'm riding with you tonight as I have Det and the under.