* It doesn't matter what sport, IT IS HAPPENING!
Tennis, baseball, badmitton, etc. You name it, if it can help your performance someone is trying it.
* Even your childhood heroes would have done it if it was available and others were doing it!
It's comical to me when fans say they wont accept any of the modern atheletes as if their heroes like Pete Rose, Bob Gibson wouldn't have done it if available. Those guys were just as competetive if not moreso then modern players and would have done it in a heartbeat.
* You would take PED's if you were in their shoes. Stop being a fucking hypocrite.
See average joes in everyday life angle shoot and try to find shortcuts to make a few bucks. These guys are doing it for millions and millions of dollars. 90% of everyday folks would do much worse for a much smaller payoff.
Tennis, baseball, badmitton, etc. You name it, if it can help your performance someone is trying it.
* Even your childhood heroes would have done it if it was available and others were doing it!
It's comical to me when fans say they wont accept any of the modern atheletes as if their heroes like Pete Rose, Bob Gibson wouldn't have done it if available. Those guys were just as competetive if not moreso then modern players and would have done it in a heartbeat.
* You would take PED's if you were in their shoes. Stop being a fucking hypocrite.
See average joes in everyday life angle shoot and try to find shortcuts to make a few bucks. These guys are doing it for millions and millions of dollars. 90% of everyday folks would do much worse for a much smaller payoff.