What makes a true fanatic?.Aguy moves in across the street and talks nothing but sports 24 hours of the day. I almost want to go the other way when i see him coming. After answering phones all day and staring at a screen , want to get away from it for a few hours.This guy has a box at the new stadium , wears nothing but Cowboy regalia on the day of the game, and on day's that he doesn't fly up on their away games has a pool party with every kind of Cowboy flag, banners, and gives t shirts to the people that come. His whole family wears jersey's, pants , Cowboy boot's with Cowboy emblem stiched into the side. I decided to mention to him about betting and he said he would never bet on a game. He is this way about all sports but a sicko about the Cowgirls.His daughter said the other day he made her go in and change shirts because she didn't have her Romo jersey on and it was bad karma. Are you kidding. Romo needs more than good Karma.I guess because i have done this all my life it seems surreal.I even read threads on the Rx about people that troll the threads but don't play. Why be in a gambling forum if you don't wager. Maybe i'm being unrealistic. It just seems awfully strange to me.@)