FSU-1.5 @ MIAMI....?
Can You Say...S U C K E R..!
Can You Say...S U C K E R..!
I hope you're right. FSU is a fraud. However, I just can't see Miami winning this game. It's down to -1 at my book. Unreal.
Damn Coach, little late for you isn't it, LOL. This getting old-er shit is for the birds...well, actually, got two hawks hanging out in the back yard right now, beautiful birds, reminds me of Oklahoma.
tm, I work in DC....I'm on the night shift right now. I work next to the White House (on the same property) and I couldn't get in due to that huge concert on the mall. The concert was over when I drove in but the roads were still closed. I had to park more than a mile away! Damn it!
Got a lot of fond memories of DC, M Street, LOL. My first tour with Dupont was in Waynesboro, VA, I lived in Charlottesville and drove the 35 miles each way, every day. Used to hit DC, Philly, and NYC, alternated, every weekend, well, throw in Richmond once in a while, lol. Charlottesville was a happening place.
No way I work next door at Treasury this is fun. Feel free to pm me if you like.tm, I work in DC....I'm on the night shift right now. I work next to the White House (on the same property) and I couldn't get in due to that huge concert on the mall. The concert was over when I drove in but the roads were still closed. I had to park more than a mile away! Damn it!
Completely agree. Miami is getting a lot of "hype" for whatever reason. Yes, Duke Johnson is good...but their QB sucks ass. FSU will stack the box.