This is tearing my heart in pieces. As I watch the Marlins celebrating a World Series, all that comes to my mind is that could have legitimately been my Spos celebrating instead. When I went to that game in Montreal 1 month before the season was over, my Spos were actually tied and I believe 1 pct point ahead of Marlins for the wildcard. That could have been Vlady and Vidro jumping on the mound celebrating the world series instead.
I fu ckin hate Jeffery Loria who was the owner of the Expos and now owns the Marlins. As I see him and his as shole son on tv, I think of all the times I sat in the same section with him, 1 row behind him of over 25 expo games and talked to them throughout the game about the Spos and our great future ahead in Montreal, and now I see this jerk Loria being interviewed on tv while winning a world series. This is making me puke.
This really could have been my Spos and should have been my Spos. We would have drawn 58,000 fans for every game and this city would have been going nuts about baseball again. It came down to who had the best record in September to see who would go to the playoffs, and UNFORTUNATELY, it was The Marlins, where it easily could have been my Montreal Expos.
This bastard Loria ruined us and I hate him so much. He laughed at our face here in Montreal when he bought the Expos and said he was building a new stadium. I hope he dies, that fu ckin as shole.. And now his team are the world champions..
But I think the saddest part of it all is that tonight marks the end of baseball, and officially, the end of summer and the start of winter.
That's right folks, baseball is over, summer is over, and it's 21 degrees here in Montreal now, and we are setting the clocks back 1 hr tonight, which will make it dark now at 5 pm..
. I will miss baseball for sure. See you again in March baseball..
Good night boys..