Actually you did. All I said shit is strange because their story is changing by the hour. One guy says one thing and another say something else. Armed, not armed, then the seals said they thought he was. First there was a video and the seals recorded the entire thing, now there was a 25 minute blackout. First they were showing the photos, now they aren't. First he used his wife as a shield, then he didn't, Obama said he gave the order, now Panetta says he didn't. I would think the president of the US would have his facts straight and everyone on the same page.
I was speaking metaphorically about the car accident.
Actually it is the hunger of curiousity by the news media and people like you and Wolf who demand immediate details and full disclosure. Don't take that as in insult because it isn't intended to be. The hunger for immediate news and details sometimes causes assumptions to be presented as facts before they are confirmed.
And no, not everyone is always on the same page. Actually that's why the conspiracy argument fails if you think about it. Only the Seals were in the room when osama was killed. One may have thought he didn't reach for a gun, and the other [HERO!!!] thought he and his men were in a dangerous spot and decided it was best to take the Fucker out.
A case can be made both for or against showing the corpse, and the decision reversed. The order to kill? Maybe Obama was there the entire time; maybe he was brought in late. Maybe he dithered and Panetta took over. But we may never know that because Panetta is not going to deliberately embarrass Obama, but possibly someone else in the room has leaked those details.
I am perfectly comfortable knowing our gov't has to keep some things secret from the general public. That's both [R] and [D] and I consider it to be for our own safety. But that doesn't mean your suspicions are confirmed. This event is unprecedented and what is told to the public and what isn't is for our benefit, not some evil plot. Maybe some video can get lost in a firefight. Comcast can't stay online in a 20 MPH wind.