Favorite Handicappers


#8 > #3
Nov 2, 2008
Ya, Ras does fade, or so i've heard. But they are 23-7 in totals (or so).Bookie Bill is a whole different story. The guy flat out wins. It doesn't matter what sport. You can find him on Twitter for free, for now.

New member
Jul 11, 2009
lillefty of stbernadine sports advisors

I held back from posting in this thread because I didn't want to be accused of shilling but after watching the same cappers get talked about despite their losing records, I had to post something. Here is the only person I will follow. He gets no play on here despite his consistent record of winning. The reason he doesn't get any play cuz he doesn't scream from the mountaintops about his 20,000 dime lock or his weekly game of the year like others do.

He calls his bankroll his 401k plan and treats his customers money in the same manner a stockbroker would your retirement plan. The amount you win each day or week isn't life changing but it adds up over time. Nobody else on here gives you a plan of how much to put on a game, when to up your bet, when to cash out...etc. That is why I like him.

here is how his bets are placed(nothing flashy , just real) this is why he is under the radar by the "big play" hounds they don't want to hear put 1% of your BR on a play.

1* = 1% of BR ..this is 80% of his plays
2* = 2% of BR ..this is 15% of his plays
3* = 3% of BR ..this is 4% of his plays
4* = 4% of BR ..this is 1% of his plays


The site has only been up since MAY, but his results are real as he has posted on dozens of forums which I went back and found all his posts to verify his record. The people on those forums vouched for his record being real. All his games are posted on the 3w dot honestdogforum dot com/forum. You can talk to him on this forum at anytime and ask him questions you may have on a game.

Also the cool thing about their site is that all of their records are posted in an open forum that their customers can respond to. That is cool because imagine if one of them posted a pick as a win but it actually lost, their customers would be all over that. So I know that their record is completely legit and honest!!

here is his record as I found it on Capperslounge.com
jan09.....144-115-4. +10.2 units
feb09.....136-113-2 +19.48 units(+29.68 units ytd)
mar09....130-110-1 +16.88 units(+46.56 units YTD)
apr09.......44-42-2..+1.30 units(+47.86 units YTD)
may09......43-49-1..(-2.11 units)(+45.75 units YTD)..last losing month?? 2/08
june09..... 46-50-1 +5.54 units(+51.29 units ytd)
july09...... 53-35-1 +29.59 units(+80.88 units ytd) *ended month on 28-2 run*
aug 09..... 32-39-2 (-22.35 units)(+58.53 units ytd)
sept 09.....51-45-3 +19.45 units(+77.98 units ytd)

Jan totals 134-107-6 . +19.10 units
Feb totals 94-105-5 .. - 13.65 units(+5.45 units ytd)
Mar totals 106-90-2 .. + 12.25 units(+17.70 units ytd)
apr totals 136-133-3.. + 8.75 units(+26.45 units ytd)
may totals 118-91-3.. + 21.20 units(+47.65 units ytd)
June totals 81-61-3... + 30.80 units(+78.45 units ytd)
july totals 65-53-0.... + 12.50 units(+90.95 units ytd)
aug totals 84-72-3.... + 23.20 units(+114.15 units ytd)
sept totals 77-51-3... + 9.00 units(+123.15 units YTD)
oct totals 75-50-2.... + 10.85 units(+134 units ytd)
nov totals 49-30-0.... +16.10 units(150.10 units ytd)
dec totals 109-89-1...+15.85 units(165.95 units ytd)

2007 - started on capperslounge on 9/1/07
sept totals.........73-59-2 + 11.56 units
october tot.........80-68-1 + 10.13 units(+21.69 units )
november tot.....71-60-2 + 8.65 units(+30.34 units)
december tot.....106-87-3 + 16.20 units(+46.20 units)

Let's cash
ZAGS<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

New member
Oct 16, 2009
I've been following the rx since start of season after a fellow player told me about it & just recently started posting. Do any of you guys follow USASportsmonitor. There's some pretty good cappers on there & everything is documented

Oct 18, 2009
I also can vouch for the (BLOG) Randizzle's plays , the man is as straight up as they come & your also lying when you say you did not get his plays & i know this because he sends his plays in bulk mail to all his members at once as i purchased his plays with two other RX members in September ....All his plays come to the members at the same time in a email.

Also you say he scammed you ??? Please stop it , Blog-Randizzle post every single play 1 minute after kickoff on the Gamblers Final Word Blog just for BASHERS like you , just in case you try to spread false rumors-also all his plays are on Twitter (Twitter.Com/Randizzle14) with time stamps (Go check all his tweets) if anyone wants confirmation...So to say he never sent you plays would make no sense , as you would be able to just see on the Blog & Twitter that he had a play for that day...What business sense would it be for him to just HOLD YOUR PLAYS BACK???? NONE! YOUR CLAIMS ARE FALSE

Look he hit one bad stretch in the NFL & that is it & has consistently hit all his POD plays including tonights (UL-Monroe) winner..Just because your mad your subscription ran out gives you no right to spew false accounts on his services. Now if he is the Fake Randizzle :think2: i have no clue , but i can vouch that he has shown 110% credibility & honesty & most of all great customer service...So please stop being a bitter EX-CUSTOMER or most likely a SCHILL for the other Randizzle :howdy:

Bottomline is that the Blog-Randizzle is up over 60Units in CFB & the other Randizzle is down 8 Units---- Gamblers Final Word actually sent me a free week of Randizzles plays just because he had 2 bad days in the NFL.
Now tell me if that sounds DISHONEST ????

That "blog" is a fraud!!:ohno:

New member
May 31, 2007

Anyone have any idea how to contact them? On their site, I find no phone nnumber, no email address, nothing.

New member
Oct 1, 2009
I held back from posting in this thread because I didn't want to be accused of shilling but after watching the same cappers get talked about despite their losing records, I had to post something. Here is the only person I will follow. He gets no play on here despite his consistent record of winning. The reason he doesn't get any play cuz he doesn't scream from the mountaintops about his 20,000 dime lock or his weekly game of the year like others do.

He calls his bankroll his 401k plan and treats his customers money in the same manner a stockbroker would your retirement plan. The amount you win each day or week isn't life changing but it adds up over time. Nobody else on here gives you a plan of how much to put on a game, when to up your bet, when to cash out...etc. That is why I like him.

here is how his bets are placed(nothing flashy , just real) this is why he is under the radar by the "big play" hounds they don't want to hear put 1% of your BR on a play.

1* = 1% of BR ..this is 80% of his plays
2* = 2% of BR ..this is 15% of his plays
3* = 3% of BR ..this is 4% of his plays
4* = 4% of BR ..this is 1% of his plays


The site has only been up since MAY, but his results are real as he has posted on dozens of forums which I went back and found all his posts to verify his record. The people on those forums vouched for his record being real. All his games are posted on the 3w dot honestdogforum dot com/forum. You can talk to him on this forum at anytime and ask him questions you may have on a game.

Also the cool thing about their site is that all of their records are posted in an open forum that their customers can respond to. That is cool because imagine if one of them posted a pick as a win but it actually lost, their customers would be all over that. So I know that their record is completely legit and honest!!

here is his record as I found it on Capperslounge.com
jan09.....144-115-4. +10.2 units
feb09.....136-113-2 +19.48 units(+29.68 units ytd)
mar09....130-110-1 +16.88 units(+46.56 units YTD)
apr09.......44-42-2..+1.30 units(+47.86 units YTD)
may09......43-49-1..(-2.11 units)(+45.75 units YTD)..last losing month?? 2/08
june09..... 46-50-1 +5.54 units(+51.29 units ytd)
july09...... 53-35-1 +29.59 units(+80.88 units ytd) *ended month on 28-2 run*
aug 09..... 32-39-2 (-22.35 units)(+58.53 units ytd)
sept 09.....51-45-3 +19.45 units(+77.98 units ytd)

Jan totals 134-107-6 . +19.10 units
Feb totals 94-105-5 .. - 13.65 units(+5.45 units ytd)
Mar totals 106-90-2 .. + 12.25 units(+17.70 units ytd)
apr totals 136-133-3.. + 8.75 units(+26.45 units ytd)
may totals 118-91-3.. + 21.20 units(+47.65 units ytd)
June totals 81-61-3... + 30.80 units(+78.45 units ytd)
july totals 65-53-0.... + 12.50 units(+90.95 units ytd)
aug totals 84-72-3.... + 23.20 units(+114.15 units ytd)
sept totals 77-51-3... + 9.00 units(+123.15 units YTD)
oct totals 75-50-2.... + 10.85 units(+134 units ytd)
nov totals 49-30-0.... +16.10 units(150.10 units ytd)
dec totals 109-89-1...+15.85 units(165.95 units ytd)

2007 - started on capperslounge on 9/1/07
sept totals.........73-59-2 + 11.56 units
october tot.........80-68-1 + 10.13 units(+21.69 units )
november tot.....71-60-2 + 8.65 units(+30.34 units)
december tot.....106-87-3 + 16.20 units(+46.20 units)

Let's cash
ZAGS<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->


what's his website?

New member
Nov 25, 2008
Capper Results Summary - Passing the Baton

Thanks to roundrobin11, the Rx Service "posted" Plays Capper Summary is going to the next level. :103631605 Please see the new thread "Service Plays Record Tracker" for an improved format that will be factoring in unit values and play ratings. All of us here at Greek Enterprises have appreciated the kind words from many of you for what we all know can be a very difficult and time consuming project/task. Hopefully we helped a few a you make a few extra shuckles. We also thank IcetheKicker for his input and wish roundrobin11 well as he takes on this project. Now we will have time for a few more :drink:.


New member
Jan 21, 2009

whoever has Booj with 9 wins and no loss doesnt have access to his plays.. I do and he is 10 games under .500 and hasnt won 9 games in football.. On units he is over 250 units down...:smoker2:

Oct 22, 2009
Well that so called "Fake Randizzle" has crushed 3 more cfb plays the last 2 night for 55Units...People crack me up when they say its a fraud ??? I mean are we not in this to WIN?

I caould really give a rats ass about some name or who post the picks , all i see is winners from those cappers on the blog (Gamblersfinalword.blogspot. com) so people who keep saying fake or fraud...please also report that them guys are making alot of people who do go on that site , big time money....Last time i checked that is what matters!

Bunch of High School girls , having sissy fits about names --WHO CARES??????? Whoever is behind the names on that site are WINNING---(Wake up and stop being lil girls) grown MEN care about WINNING!


New member
Jan 21, 2009
tracking thread

Firts I want to preface by sayng it is a great idea to try to monitor the various cappers to give a idea of current performance... However unless you have access to each and every play they release it is not giving the complete picture... many may read and see a capper with 9 wins and no losses such as Booj and think they are great this season... In fact Booj on all his plays is way under .500 and is way under 200 units for the season. They also <><>lost last 2 nights in college. .Selectively posting a few here and there on these various cappers will not tell anyone how they are really doing this year. Unless you have every game to post with their unit ratings it only give a skewed view of overall performance...GL

New member
Jan 4, 2007
BUMP/Are these guy posting results under a different thread now? This was a great tool!!!

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