Ever see Uncle Butternuts get MAD? Look Inside! Butterballs calls for "order" in the Rubber Room..lol

Quoted items are from Butterballs:

"Even in The RubberRoom, there must be some sense of 'order' so to speak."

Well if Uncle Butterballs says so, then it MUST be true. LOL...

"Now, i am not talking about censorship in any form, rather, when a "poster" goes on a mental meltdown and post 27 threads that all have the exact same message, couldn't a moderator at least be able to group the threads together into one?"

I don't know Butterballs...I guess that is a really great question...duh

"I can't stand seeing people getting legit threads knocked off the 1st page because some overexcited boy decides to go on some juvenile rampage."

Yes, Butterballs....it must keep you up at night...isn't that just HORRIBLE when a legit thread gets knocked off the first page? LMAO /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

"I can't see how the moderators were in the wrong in any way here."

Well if Uncle Butterballs can't see anything wrong, then everything MUST be right! Ha, ha

"The same exact thread is still here
only now there are only about 7 , not 34."

Geezz Louise...Uncle Butterballs can count

"Uncle" is code for "I'm too fat and ugly to find a wife". LOL

[This message was edited by hamneggs on 11-11-02 at 06:20 PM.]
rate this thread yet! I have just never really seen Butterballs get mad, it is just funny to get a rise out of this guy...makes me feel like I can get a rise out of anyone! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Oh, you got a rise out of him alright.

Hang tough, he is usually not speechless for long.
Just voicing my opinion is all.

I think you are great for the forum buddy.
However, these are your words below. Again, Butterballs in quotes:

"I am curious what Shrinks opinion is on this whole pathetic scene."

Well, I generally express my opinions about other posters. I don't go so far as to wonder what someone else thinks of them!

"This has gone way beyond the RubberRoom, and he has even voiced his intentions of flaming Legitimate posters here before doing so."

Wow, Butterballs..this Ham guy is completely AWOL..lol

"He brings nothing of value to The Prescription.
He is a lonely kid who seem's to have a really big crush on Rod. Hopefully, someone here will come to their senses and boot this ignorant shitbag..."

Not exactly consistent with Butterballs claim above that he likes me, now is it?

"I can just see this pimply faced homo..."

Butterballs is pissed...no offense Butterballs, but I am very good at what I do. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Bu -tt- ernu -tts-


Thanks, kid. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Quote from Butternutts:

"He is a lonely kid who seem's to have..."

Never in my life have I seen someone spell "seems" with an apostrophe.

I have a new word for you, Butternutts:

Illiterate- having little or no education; unable to read or write (Webster's New Collegiate)

[This message was edited by hamneggs on 09-29-02 at 01:32 AM.]
wtf omellete 2500 posts in a month, good god that trashes crazy's record...

you gotta cut down on the speed man and live the room once in a while...

what a waste...
Congrats on becoming a MODERATOR, you acheived your career goal!!

LOL /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

What's next? Are you going to shoot for Assistant Manager? lmao /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

Hamneggs- Still considered among the top 3 most respected and feared handicappers in the Offshore World...
This is all you have?

Damn, you are lame.

Dennis is more creative than you. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

porknfag - still the biggest fagnut in Rx history /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
At least make sense doochbag...

Your posts are horrible....

And those pictures...cute...real funny...

I almost cracked a smile on one of them.....

And stop whining wussy boy...you are pathetic...

TRK.....lets get a poll going...


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