How about we end Costa Rica. Tax gambling and let that shithole regain its natural course. Something very wrong when an a large portion of a countries wealth depends solely on another countries tax situation. When does that ball bounce???? And i voted for the wrong option bastard.
So you're a Casino Capitalist?
I'd move back to Canada and get a real job but until then...
One creates a no fail proposition for businesses, encouraging risks to be taken that normally wouldn't be...Why worry about the bottom line when the government will bail you out.
well, I don't support the modern day bailouts. I think we have a different definition of corporate welfare. Usually, it's lefties attacking incentives and tax credits given to businesses.
I don't know how to respond to a lefty attacking a lefty bailout program and expecting me to defend it. :think2:
one creates jobs, the other creates dependency
you do the math
and I believe in maintaining a safety net, I'm opposed to welfare careers and assbackwards incentives.
well, I don't support the modern day bailouts. I think we have a different definition of corporate welfare. Usually, it's lefties attacking incentives and tax credits given to businesses.
I don't know how to respond to a lefty attacking a lefty bailout program and expecting me to defend it. :think2:
These bailouts started after this turd got into office started with that slacked jawed mother fucker named W to be exact.... just sayin.
Corporate welfare doesn't create jobs, it takes jobs from one place and puts them in another...if you're lucky. You sound like a liberal.
These bailouts started after this turd got into office started with that slacked jawed mother fucker named W to be exact.... just sayin.
corporate tax cuts / incentives
1) do not move jobs, except for encouraging jobs to stay in the states. I'd like to hear your reasoning otherwise.
2) your corporate welfare is my tax reduction. As a conservative, this less money the government takes from business, the better
You could start by looking at the whole picture instead of through your partisan hack colored glasses that define the world in black or white, good or bad and left and right...just saying