Was looking at my cable bill recently. I never really scrutinized it I guess, but I have been paying $10/month to lease a modem on top of paying for internet.
This is just a Time Warner Cable modem, nothing fancy, doesn't have WiFi I had to buy my own router for that. I have gotten my internet from them for the past 15 years I would say, and apparently I have been paying to lease a modem from them all that time.
15 years x 12 months x $10= $1800 I have paid TWC $1800 to lease a crap modem from them when I could have bought my own for $50-100. I don't know how other cable companies do it but check your bill or if you didn't know you don't have to use their modem.
This is just a Time Warner Cable modem, nothing fancy, doesn't have WiFi I had to buy my own router for that. I have gotten my internet from them for the past 15 years I would say, and apparently I have been paying to lease a modem from them all that time.
15 years x 12 months x $10= $1800 I have paid TWC $1800 to lease a crap modem from them when I could have bought my own for $50-100. I don't know how other cable companies do it but check your bill or if you didn't know you don't have to use their modem.