Dumsfeld trying to save reputation


New member
Dec 10, 2004
Anyone not thik Dumsfeld going to Iraq tour on Christmas eve is nothing more than a ploy to try and improve his popularity?
Oct 21, 2004
Thats all it is ... Rumsfeld is hated by the Military brass and this is nothing more than a PR opp similiar to when Bush flew his phony ass into Iraq over Thanksgiving a year ago to show he really "cares" and supports the troops

Rumsfelds true concern for the troops was answered with the questions recently asked to him by soldiers ... he is arrogant, he has no respect with anyone within the Pentagon and amazed at how Aspin how the guts to do the right thing when Somalia went up in smoke and this guy is actually praised by Hannity & Limbaugh?

Rumsfeld should have been canned a long time ...

New member
Dec 10, 2004
Dumsfeld and President Lush one hell of a team. No wonder this country is in such shape.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
doc mercer said:
Thats all it is ... Rumsfeld is hated by the Military brass QUOTE]

Doc - you got it right - all of those Pentagon phonies hate Rumsfeld because he's slowly weeding them out of their little fiefdoms. Much of the incompetence in supplying the soldiers in Iraq was caused by the very military hacks who hate Rumsfeld - As the boss, Rumsfeld will take the heat for such screwups as all military vehicles not being armored - and you can believe that the Pentagon hacks who failed to get the job done will pay the price.

As long as your crowd and the neocons continue to pound on Rummy, then I know that he must being doing the right thing!
Oct 21, 2004
Les Aspin resigned when Somalia got screwed up ...

Iraq is a much bigger military blunder and time for Bush to show he is a True Commander in Chief and can Rumsfeld ...

I am amazed at the number of folks that actually back this guy even though this has turned into Vietnam II ...

I guess the ol saying of not sending our troops "into harms way" does not apply to this administration ....

God bless our kids .. they deserve the full support of this administration and very obvious their welfare and safety is of little concern to Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
I gotta disagree here Doc. This situation came about as the result of an open and unorchestrated question and answer session between Rumsfeld and the trops in Iraq! A weakness was revealed as a direct result of this session, and our troops will now have their vehicles armored.

I often see Rumsfeld doing these Q & A's, but where are the Pentagon bigwigs who are supposed to make sure that such issues as lack of armor in an urban warfare setting are recognised and corrected. Are they doing theire jobs?

If Rumsfeld didn't have the Q & A session, this situation might never have come to light, and the armor that will now save some GI's life might never have happened.

I think that some Pentagon bureaucratic brass who didn't do their jobs will soon be out of a job!

You say that Rumsfeld is the problem and I say that the encapsulated Pentagon bureaucreacy is the problem; time will tell.
Oct 21, 2004
Les Aspin resigned under Clinton when the Somalia event unfolded ...

Rumsfeld needs to be a Man and step to the plate and admit he screwed up and take a walk ...

Funny how the incompetent hacks stay and the smart ones move on?? I guess lying to the American public on a daily b basis takes it toll for those with a soul ...

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
doc mercer said:
Les Aspin resigned under Clinton when the Somalia event unfolded ...

Rumsfeld needs to be a Man and step to the plate and admit he screwed up and take a walk ...

Funny how the incompetent hacks stay and the smart ones move on?? I guess lying to the American public on a daily b basis takes it toll for those with a soul ...
How is Rumsfeld lying? What lies has he told?

Doc, please don't go into your usual vitriolic tirade - just state the facts!
Are his lies due to ommission or embellishment? Or is it just definitive - where he thinks something is postitive while you think it's negative?

The way I see it, you're going to revile everything and everyone that's a part of the Bush administation because you don't like Bush. You're not interested in the truth - you just want to convince everyone that Bush isn't a good president and you'll do and say anything to make your point. You'll lie and embellish and exagerate about the Bush administration to prove your point.

Doc, you've marginalised yourself with your poisionous attacks. I can't imagine anyone having as much hate inside of them as you do - I thought such people only existed in fiction. I pity you!
Oct 21, 2004
this war is botched up ...

It would be nice if someone in this administration took the blame for a change ...

This is disgusting ... kids are dying daily and the Bushies are more concerned with the image of Bush & Rumsfeld?

The true Traitors to this country as folks like bblight .. a man who does not get upset with kids dying daily in a hellhole where Bush committed their butts based on obvious lies by this administration

Kids dying and bblight does not care .. but, oh no, if someone questions the "brilliance" of Bush or Cheney notice how mad he gets?

The Bushies are as phony as their concern for the safety of our kids in Iraq as Pamela Anderson's breasts ..

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