doc mercer said:
Les Aspin resigned under Clinton when the Somalia event unfolded ...
Rumsfeld needs to be a Man and step to the plate and admit he screwed up and take a walk ...
Funny how the incompetent hacks stay and the smart ones move on?? I guess lying to the American public on a daily b basis takes it toll for those with a soul ...
How is Rumsfeld lying? What lies has he told?
Doc, please don't go into your usual vitriolic tirade - just state the facts!
Are his lies due to ommission or embellishment? Or is it just definitive - where he thinks something is postitive while you think it's negative?
The way I see it, you're going to revile everything and everyone that's a part of the Bush administation because you don't like Bush. You're not interested in the truth - you just want to convince everyone that Bush isn't a good president and you'll do and say anything to make your point. You'll lie and embellish and exagerate about the Bush administration to prove your point.
Doc, you've marginalised yourself with your poisionous attacks. I can't imagine anyone having as much hate inside of them as you do - I thought such people only existed in fiction. I pity you!