You're looking at yourself in the mirror as you type that, right? Stick a white hot poker up your ass, Witless Willie...:finger:ointer::bigfinger:madasshol:tongue2::fckmad:
Take a red hot poker, smear it with acid, and cram it up your ass, Jethro. Reading you act like you know wtf you're talking about is hilarious...
Yeah, the truth is, you're so stupid, you WOULDN'T understand it even if you did read it 50 times. And it's also true that you're turning into a semi-stalker and, you can say "clown" 50 times, I'll say 50 times I don't care about the opinion of a moron, and that you can cram a red hot poker up your ass. azzkick(&^:madassholLoser!@#0:fckmad::trx-smly0:kissingbb:bigfinger:tongue2::Countdown
Dude: stick a white hot poker up your ass. "substance" and "substantive", get 'em straight, Scumbag. Ask, and ye shall receive. :trx-smly0:kissingbb...:missingte:lolBIG::finger::bigfinger:nohead::madassholointer::fckmad::laughingb:Countdown:tongue2:
I've got a better idea: stick a white hot poker up your ass. I don't give a fuck what you like or don't like, and your whining about things don't stop me one bit-quite the contrary, I'll use 'em even more. Hey, I've got a quote for you:
Scott L: "I like buggering little boys whenever possible.":flies::godown::bunnies:
It's in quotes, so it must be true, right? Keep following me around like a little stalkerazzi bitch , entering threads that I start(and, hilariously, asking me if I've ever been to certain restaurants, lol; what, are you, looking for a date?:think2:But I"M the troll, lol) and showing what a fucking loon you are.:madasshol:tongue2::bigfinger:nohead::fckmad::trx-smly0
Wow, another precinct is heard from, and he just happened to fall out of the heavens in the last month, imagine that. Stick a white hot poker up your ass, Casper. I think maybe BFL has returned, boys...
You stilll here? I thought I told you to stick a white hot poker up your ass...
What's even funnier, is that he's calling someone Casper while he's ghosting himself.