Bertuzzi is irrelevant........I love the guy, but hes not the dominating force he once was.....whether its the back injury or the whole Steve Moore incident.....hes not the same....remember, the public tend to overreact when someone is missing from a lineup.......Pronger was out for the Ducks and they still won.......I think the public just jumps on the road team aka the dog in this series......which in hockey playoffs is smart...home ice doesnt mean shit ........that is, UNTIL game 7........But sure, the Ducks can win this game.....its a toss up.....just like game 5 was.....and I was on the Ducks.....only cuz of the price...same here with the Wings....I will be on the Wings in game 7 as the home favorite IF* they survive tonight! Good Luck with your play tonight, whoever you chose!