The Dr. picked Iowa against Michigan State as a top play 4 star (not 2 star or 3 star) a few weeks ago. Missouri fits the same system. Its no secret. That system is pretty common. I'm gonna laugh if Texas wins by 6 since I got Missouri +7 and the Dr.Bob sheep got it at Missouri +5 or Missouri +5.5. That would be funny.
Here is the mainstream system he will use or something close to it. Play ON Road Dogs of 3.5 to 10 Points OFF a SU Loss as a
Double-Digit Favorite. (MISSOURI)
My point is the Doctor bets them, then the books magically shut down after he releases them and then the Doctor's sheep lose line value.
Here is the mainstream system he will use or something close to it. Play ON Road Dogs of 3.5 to 10 Points OFF a SU Loss as a
Double-Digit Favorite. (MISSOURI)
My point is the Doctor bets them, then the books magically shut down after he releases them and then the Doctor's sheep lose line value.
Yep thats his system, you've got it all figured out! You should start selling your picks now. You'll need a new online name about Dr. BobonaCock!
A word of advice: Before you start popping off on how much you know, read up on all the forums, do some research for yourself, and get a little experience under your belt. Then you might have some intelligent info to share with us.
First, experience is something you get right after you need it most. Second, the only thing Dr.Bob and I have in common is situational systems. We differ everywhere else. Finally, this is a message board. The more information the better whether good or bad depending on the person's perception. Everybody here is on the same side whether they know it or not. Why? After we are all dead and gone, Vegas will still be taking bets on games or somebody else will. Thus, Vegas or Offshore or whatever is the enemy. I'd rather try to beat an idea rather than just one of six billion human beings who eventually dies. Thus, we are on the same side.