Dog loses life to save 5 kids


Apr 10, 2007
The medal from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) comes after US Vietnam veteran Jerrell Hudman said he was sending his Purple Heart medal to George's owner after hearing of the dog's bravery.
George, who had a heart problem, won fame after defending five children from the pitbulls in the small North Island town of Manaia a week and a half ago. The two pitbulls rushed at the five children on the street, prompting George to charge the much larger dogs as the children escaped.
The Jack Russell was badly mauled by the two pitbulls and later had to be put down because of his extensive injuries. The two pitbulls were also put down.
The SPCA medal is usually awarded to people for their bravery in defending animals.
"George was a very brave little dog who almost certainly prevented severe injury, if not death, to at least one of the children," SPCA chief executive Robyn Kippenberger said.
"It's truly tragic that he paid with his own life for his instinctive act of courage."
Hudman, 58, of Austin, Texas was a US Marine for 30 years and said he decided to send his Purple Heart to George's owner Alan Gay after reading the news on the Internet because the dog was "a little warrior".
The Purple Heart is awarded to those killed or injured fighting for the US military.

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Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
every pit bull should be put down...

they serve no purpose ..

Sep 21, 2001
There are always exceptions but the majority of pit bull owners are white trash or thug minorities like Vick - no one needs to own a pit bull - though I have seen several nice and friendly pits.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
Too many examples of these dogs going bad, I have seen many friendly ones aswell, but this is too much.

New member
Aug 18, 2006
awesome story

sorry for george ....but what a waste of a meal...i wouldve had them pitbulls for dinner !

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
People that think Pit Bulls need to be put down are UNEDUCATED HEADLINE READERS.

It's disgusting to see people pass judgement on Pit Bulls, or any subject for that matter, when they don't know anything about these dogs.

Most ridiculous comments I have ever seen.

Every person will now say "Oh, I had this one neighbor with a pit bull."

It's like watching people with these Virginia Tech Post Incident Analysis' that are from some college in Wisconsin and have never been to Va Techs campus before. How could you possibly pass judgement and analyze what happened when you dont know the facts - analayzing the security at a college campus you have never been to. Passing judgement.

The owner makes the dog what it is. I've had the opportunity to be around 2 pit bulls from 2 entirely different breeders, 1 of them a thuggish black guy, and both pit bulls were raised the way a dog should be. Fair discipline, love, exercise and attention. Both dogs are great natured animals.

If you give enough Yellow Labrador and Golden Retrievers to the wrong owners, they will be aggressive as well.

It is the owner at fault. Not the dog.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
People that think Pit Bulls need to be put down are UNEDUCATED HEADLINE READERS.

It's disgusting to see people pass judgement on Pit Bulls, or any subject for that matter, when they don't know anything about these dogs.

Most ridiculous comments I have ever seen.

Every person will now say "Oh, I had this one neighbor with a pit bull."

It's like watching people with these Virginia Tech Post Incident Analysis' that are from some college in Wisconsin and have never been to Va Techs campus before. How could you possibly pass judgement and analyze what happened when you dont know the facts - analayzing the security at a college campus you have never been to. Passing judgement.

The owner makes the dog what it is. I've had the opportunity to be around 2 pit bulls from 2 entirely different breeders, 1 of them a thuggish black guy, and both pit bulls were raised the way a dog should be. Fair discipline, love, exercise and attention. Both dogs are great natured animals.

If you give enough Yellow Labrador and Golden Retrievers to the wrong owners, they will be aggressive as well.

It is the owner at fault. Not the dog.

This is what I hear also Box. I think people who are looking for an attack dog buy pit bulls or Rotties. When the dogs attack then they get a bad rap when in truth it's the owner who has trained the dog this way.

Other people train the pit bulls to be good dogs. It doesn't mean that the breed is inherently bad.

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
I agree with BoxSlayer ... The owners are the ones that turn these dogs into killers ... I have a friend of mine , he has 2 Pitbulls ... and 3 kids ages 3 ,4 and 6...NEVER ONE PROBLEM WHATSOEVER .... The dogs protect the shit out the kids , they even let the kids ride on their backs ...while grabbing their necks ..... Crazy actually.

The Dude Abides
Sep 21, 2004
Let me ask you this.. How many times have you heard of Labador's or Golden Retriever's attacking and killing people? Not One.. Its always Pit Bulls and Rotties.....Draw your own conclusions.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Let me ask you this.. How many times have you heard of Labador's or Golden Retriever's attacking and killing people? Not One.. Its always Pit Bulls and Rotties.....Draw your own conclusions.

This post is EXACTLY the BS that Im talking about.

"oh I always read headlines about Pitbulls. Not Labs. Pits are evil animals. Draw your own conclusions."

Do some RESEARCH on your own. Stop letting the MEDIA influence your OPINION.

First of all, Labradors and Golden Retrievers attack people ALL THE TIME in this country. It NEVER makes front page. It's not the sexy story.

CHOWS bite the hell out of people all of the time. Not a sexy story either. Poodles bite the hell out of people. Not a sexy story.

Pitbulls are the sexy story because of how strong they are and their high tolerance for pain.

Just because they are strong and have a high tolerance for pain doesnt make them evil.

The majority of people that own Labs and Golden Retrievers are families with white picket fences. Raised in a proper environment.

The Majority of people that own pit bulls are people that want to own them IRRESPONSIBLY.

That is NOT the dogs fault.

Let me raise your kid in an environment of drugs and crime and lets see how he turns out.

Or lets raise your kid in suburbia.

Its all about how you raise the dogs. Please educate yourself on the matter.

Pitbulls are COUCH POTATOES, that are gentle and known for LICKING the crap out of your owners.

Put them in the wrong environment, people trying to raise them to be a guard dog, or to be in a fight or for agression and you get the sexy newspaper story.

Sep 21, 2001
The bottom line is pits have tremendous power and strength - you can't trust a dog in all circumstances - and when a lab bites someone gets bit - when a pitbull bites it tries to kill and has the power to do it - it's like owning a lion and telling me that everything is cool because he's a sweetheart - it's just stupid - and 99% of the owners are white trash or thug minorities.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
I agree with the other posts, pitbull's get a bad rep but it's the type of person who gets it and what he turns the dog into.

Sep 21, 2001
I agree with the other posts, pitbull's get a bad rep but it's the type of person who gets it and what he turns the dog into.

Yeah, normal people don't go out looking for a pit bull they can call rover.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Also, I'm not saying Pit Bulls are angels. But to say "oh just euthenize them when they are born. They should all be killed" is the most uneducated, ignorant thing Ive ever read. People passing judgement, playing God to end another creatures life, and they dont even due their own due dilligence. Irresponsible.

They have inherited traits. They can be aggressive dogs if raised the wrong way, athletic, strong, agile, high tolerance for painetc. Raised in the proper environment they are 100% fine.

Raised in the poor environment, with thugs and people looking to use them for their strength and high pain tolerance in dog fights is when these dogs attack.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Yeah, normal people don't go out looking for a pit bull they can call rover.

Because "normal" people read the headlines and think they are dangerous dogs.

Their are examples nationwide of families that own a pit bull and have a young son or daughter that rides its back and the dog is always gentle with them. Those stories never make the newspaper...why would they?

The truth is, the only news story when it comes to a dog, is negative. There is no such thing as selling newspapers because a dog does something positive...unless the rare circumstance of this thread.

Private reserve
Feb 28, 2006
I agree at some point, but, a reality is you can't deny nature, they are aggressive by nature, my dad owns 4 Rotties currently, caring dogs yes, but I wouldn't trust them to be around my kids, not a chance

New member
Jul 21, 2006
Yea they are naturally aggressive and have very strong jaw bones. If they get on you good luck shaking him off.

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