guy, with docs plays. You will never believe how low this guy has gone. Last week after doc went like 0-12 and lost like a million units, he sends out an email to his clients saying that doc is in the hospital and has bad pneumonia, lmfaooooooooooooo. Yeah okay jim, larry or doc whatever name you go by.
You got to read this email i got from a friend of mine, who happens to be on his email list, you will laugh your ass off. These scammers will try anything to get a dollar. Here it is, enjoy. Brings back those jimfeistsux days, lolllll
To those who expressed their prayers and wanted to send a donation to the Get Well Doc Fund, I'm sure he'll be thanking you when he gets out. To those who already donated to either his paypal or neteller address its in their and expect his thanks as soon as he is released. Every little bit $$ helps cause as he told me the night he went into the hospital he lost all his plays plus had to give a 25,000$ certified check just to get treated as he has no health insurance, guess he thought he was invinsible. Unbelievable the way these hospitals and doctors treat you with no insurance. Plus having me bet those 2 plays for 10,000 each hurt him too, but I know in past experiences with him that he'll be back stronger than ever and I told him of the few that sent him $$$ for a get well donation and never seen him feel this way. Actually made his spirits much higher . So to those he told me to thank you and to anyone else who wants to send a little do so and he'll get back to you as he's looking at a Wednesday release if his white blood cell count stays the same. He loves all you guys and is looking forward to making you all alot of money soon. He did say you are lucky to those who bought his lifetime package as his prices are going up to cover these bills,lol, so if you give a little get well donation you will still be WAY ahead of everyone else. Doc has no idea I'm saying anything about any donation, I'm just following up to those who already gave. If you feel generous give to his paypal or neteller what ever you can afford. Thanks! And Doc will recoginize it when he gets out!
You got to read this email i got from a friend of mine, who happens to be on his email list, you will laugh your ass off. These scammers will try anything to get a dollar. Here it is, enjoy. Brings back those jimfeistsux days, lolllll
To those who expressed their prayers and wanted to send a donation to the Get Well Doc Fund, I'm sure he'll be thanking you when he gets out. To those who already donated to either his paypal or neteller address its in their and expect his thanks as soon as he is released. Every little bit $$ helps cause as he told me the night he went into the hospital he lost all his plays plus had to give a 25,000$ certified check just to get treated as he has no health insurance, guess he thought he was invinsible. Unbelievable the way these hospitals and doctors treat you with no insurance. Plus having me bet those 2 plays for 10,000 each hurt him too, but I know in past experiences with him that he'll be back stronger than ever and I told him of the few that sent him $$$ for a get well donation and never seen him feel this way. Actually made his spirits much higher . So to those he told me to thank you and to anyone else who wants to send a little do so and he'll get back to you as he's looking at a Wednesday release if his white blood cell count stays the same. He loves all you guys and is looking forward to making you all alot of money soon. He did say you are lucky to those who bought his lifetime package as his prices are going up to cover these bills,lol, so if you give a little get well donation you will still be WAY ahead of everyone else. Doc has no idea I'm saying anything about any donation, I'm just following up to those who already gave. If you feel generous give to his paypal or neteller what ever you can afford. Thanks! And Doc will recoginize it when he gets out!