not looking to ban you...
I would think it all depends on how old you are. and where you grew up.
if you were in your Teens back in the Civil movement days, you should be less of a racist. Unless of course you are still living in those days.
Guess we are witnessing some of the old timers from the South.
There's also a New racist type, towards some Muslims. and of course the reason behind that is 9/11
Anyway, I could remember back in the 60's where some of my friends were racist or had racist views.
I also had a group back in the 70's that were mixed in races. Some groups that were all White, that leaned racist.
Guess again it depends on where you were and who you hung out with.
I know one thing, if you used the "N" word around my parents, you got your mouth washed out with soap. lol
To me a Thug has no Color. Either you are a Thug, or you're not.