stucco43 said:
if being a corporate whore yes you disgust us....
Am I corporate whore or do I work at McDonalds?
Idiot (in my best Napoleon Dynamite)
Oh well....2 folks out of the entire Rx poli cast finds me disgusting.Ill consider who those folks are and then thank everyone for their input.Hardly the majority Doc was speaking about yesterday.Im beginning to think succ-ass is another Doc ghost.....could two people,so clueless,so classless find each other in the infinitness that is the internet?I think at least half of the votes he got in the correctness of Docs banning poll were his aliases anyway.
Cappy it wasnt a trick question....I was curious if Doc could actually be right? Par for the course I guess.I didnt think my posts were that radical.
Maybe I should start a who finds Doc disgusting.