hey he still had to make that shot for the Depaul cover, it wasn't like a free lay up. I wouldn't say that is as bad as the end of games with the no foul/foul show where some teams keep hacking away even when they can't win and others just stand there and watch the clock run out.
hawk, I was on that NMex game like you, that to me is worse. Col St is a sorry shooting team on the road they come out and shoot 58% but then of course NM makes the big run in the 2nd half (when they are actually trying) to go up 18 , then thy open the back door and clank their free throws to give up the cover by a point. I would rather take my chances with a guy shooting a 3 at the buzzer - I think those buzzer beaters even out over time, but the stiff jobs like NM pulled I don't know how to figure those out unless you never bet a favorite