Friday 8th June.
Finally plucked up the courage to go to the Bash but this brings a myraid of complications as to my image on the RX compared to my real life. Somehow I have to go from a timid recreational $10 square bettor to the live wire sharp dime player who constantly beats the keenest Books while scalping side bets to pay for my latest hobby buying Real Estate in no-go areas of large Cities, my impression on the Forum.
Probably a harder trick than that is answering questions face to face on Money Management and bankroll situations after pasting google search answers on the RX under my own name and sounding like a financial advisor. Then there's the cost of the Airfare, new clothes etc which due to continuous losses means everything will have to be bought from scratch. As stupid as I am I realise Money has to be loaned for this journey to Mecca and over the next 3 weeks a lot of ducking and diving has to be done.
I'll sleep on it and start the ball rolling tomorrow. Goodnight Mr Diary
Finally plucked up the courage to go to the Bash but this brings a myraid of complications as to my image on the RX compared to my real life. Somehow I have to go from a timid recreational $10 square bettor to the live wire sharp dime player who constantly beats the keenest Books while scalping side bets to pay for my latest hobby buying Real Estate in no-go areas of large Cities, my impression on the Forum.
Probably a harder trick than that is answering questions face to face on Money Management and bankroll situations after pasting google search answers on the RX under my own name and sounding like a financial advisor. Then there's the cost of the Airfare, new clothes etc which due to continuous losses means everything will have to be bought from scratch. As stupid as I am I realise Money has to be loaned for this journey to Mecca and over the next 3 weeks a lot of ducking and diving has to be done.
I'll sleep on it and start the ball rolling tomorrow. Goodnight Mr Diary