Absolutely insane Wildbill and frankly irresponsible of you to make a statement like that without at least pasting it in for people to make their own decision.
This CLEARLY says that these people HAD NOT LOOKED FOR WORK in the PAST MONTH.
There is a reason they dont count and its not because GEORGE BUSH told them not to LOOK FOR WORK!
And dont tell me for a second that this category was created by the bush administration to trick people into thinking things are better than they are. Clinton surely had the benfit of excluding these people as well.
Considering the fact that the country was sliding into recession before bush even took office combined with the economic impact of 9-11 on ALL industries things are going pretty well - and I dont really think it has to do with the policies of either president over the last 12 years...
"Persons Not in the Labor Force (Household Survey Data)
The number of persons who were marginally attached to the labor force was
1.6 million in August, about the same as a year earlier. (Data are not sea-
sonally adjusted.) These individuals wanted and were available to work and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They were not counted
as unemployed, however, because they did not actively search for work in the
4 weeks preceding the survey. There were 534,000 discouraged workers in
August, also about the same as a year earlier. Discouraged workers, a subset
of the marginally attached, were not currently looking for work specifically
because they believed no jobs were available for them. The other 1.1 million
marginally attached had not searched for work for reasons such as school or
family responsibilities. (See table A-13.)"