Written by Dustin Hawkins
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Imagine that if blacks voted for George W. Bush in equal numbers as Hispanics (44%), the President would have won his re-election by more than 11 million votes and Republicans would probably never lose another presidential election. Democrats would need to be on a full-time offensive to prevent such a voter switch. Any black conservative in the public spotlight would necessarily be dragged through the mud and hit with a 2X4 in an attempt to reduce their status as a respectable individual representing the Republican Party.
Fresh Democrat Senate Minority leader Harry Reid called Clarence Thomas an “embarrassment to the court” whose “opinions are poorly written.” The only way Thomas’s written opinions would be “respected” is if he denounced the “white man’s tongue” and wrote in Ebonics. White liberals would love that one. They would probably throw him a parade.
Condoleezza Rice, who is among the most popular in the Bush administration, will be the first person with a bull’s-eye on her back during the next several years as she is eyed as a major player in the future of the parties’ political landscape.
She has already been portrayed as Bush’s puppet and mouthpiece. Magically, according to liberals, Bush “the moron” is controlled by everyone and is in charge of no one—except for “brown sugar” all of a sudden. Democratic Senator Ernest “Ditz” Hollings said Rice should “go back to teaching Russian or whatever.” Hollings also voted against confirming the only two black Supreme Court justices nominated to the nation’s highest bench: Clarence Thomas and Thurgood Marshall. Hollings is not to be confused with his colleague Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat and former KKK operative. To be fair, Hollings has apologized for voting against Marshall and Byrd has apologized for wanting to lynch blacks.
On the Republican side, the most visible blacks are Colin Powell (5-Star General and outgoing Secretary of State), Dr. Condoleezza Rice (Secretary of State in-waiting and former Stanford Provost), and Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court Justice and possible future Chief Justice). The Democrats’ most visible blacks are the Reverend Jesse Jackson (professional race baiter and riot-starter), Al Sharpton (professional race-baiter and riot-intensifier), and Bill Clinton (professional philanderer and the “first black president”). Some of these leaders are respectable, hard-working, and honest. The rest are Democrats.
But blacks have been voting solidly for Democrats for 50 years and they haven’t even gotten a t-shirt.
Democrats have been solving the black poverty problem for 5 decades and as a result the black poverty problem has not improved. The divorce rates, illegitimacy rates, single-parent home rates, high school dropout rates, unemployment rates, and crime rates have all soared under the liberals helpful programs. If the liberals solve any more problems the United States will be classified as a third world nation within a decade.
Democratic politicians need the black voting bloc and they will do anything to convince the black voting bloc that they need the Democrats. Republicans don’t aggressively go after the black bloc because they think their policies should be universally acceptable: that policies that are good for white people are also good for black people, Hispanics, Asian Americans, Jews, and so on. Lower taxes, safer streets and educational options are good for everyone.
Indeed, blacks are far more conservative than the black politicians and other liberals who “represent” them. School vouchers and school choice are options overwhelmingly supported by the black population but overwhelmingly opposed by black and white liberals who have to appease their apparently more important voting bloc: teachers’ unions. As a result, the teachers get what they want, the black parents do not, but both vote for the same guy. Even Karl Rove couldn’t figure this one out.
Blacks also oppose gay marriage, support faith-based initiatives, and even – hold your breath liberals – attend church! Now I see why the Democrats court this bloc so furiously, they obviously share the same values.
Written by Dustin Hawkins
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Imagine that if blacks voted for George W. Bush in equal numbers as Hispanics (44%), the President would have won his re-election by more than 11 million votes and Republicans would probably never lose another presidential election. Democrats would need to be on a full-time offensive to prevent such a voter switch. Any black conservative in the public spotlight would necessarily be dragged through the mud and hit with a 2X4 in an attempt to reduce their status as a respectable individual representing the Republican Party.
Fresh Democrat Senate Minority leader Harry Reid called Clarence Thomas an “embarrassment to the court” whose “opinions are poorly written.” The only way Thomas’s written opinions would be “respected” is if he denounced the “white man’s tongue” and wrote in Ebonics. White liberals would love that one. They would probably throw him a parade.
Condoleezza Rice, who is among the most popular in the Bush administration, will be the first person with a bull’s-eye on her back during the next several years as she is eyed as a major player in the future of the parties’ political landscape.
She has already been portrayed as Bush’s puppet and mouthpiece. Magically, according to liberals, Bush “the moron” is controlled by everyone and is in charge of no one—except for “brown sugar” all of a sudden. Democratic Senator Ernest “Ditz” Hollings said Rice should “go back to teaching Russian or whatever.” Hollings also voted against confirming the only two black Supreme Court justices nominated to the nation’s highest bench: Clarence Thomas and Thurgood Marshall. Hollings is not to be confused with his colleague Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat and former KKK operative. To be fair, Hollings has apologized for voting against Marshall and Byrd has apologized for wanting to lynch blacks.
On the Republican side, the most visible blacks are Colin Powell (5-Star General and outgoing Secretary of State), Dr. Condoleezza Rice (Secretary of State in-waiting and former Stanford Provost), and Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court Justice and possible future Chief Justice). The Democrats’ most visible blacks are the Reverend Jesse Jackson (professional race baiter and riot-starter), Al Sharpton (professional race-baiter and riot-intensifier), and Bill Clinton (professional philanderer and the “first black president”). Some of these leaders are respectable, hard-working, and honest. The rest are Democrats.
But blacks have been voting solidly for Democrats for 50 years and they haven’t even gotten a t-shirt.
Democrats have been solving the black poverty problem for 5 decades and as a result the black poverty problem has not improved. The divorce rates, illegitimacy rates, single-parent home rates, high school dropout rates, unemployment rates, and crime rates have all soared under the liberals helpful programs. If the liberals solve any more problems the United States will be classified as a third world nation within a decade.
Democratic politicians need the black voting bloc and they will do anything to convince the black voting bloc that they need the Democrats. Republicans don’t aggressively go after the black bloc because they think their policies should be universally acceptable: that policies that are good for white people are also good for black people, Hispanics, Asian Americans, Jews, and so on. Lower taxes, safer streets and educational options are good for everyone.
Indeed, blacks are far more conservative than the black politicians and other liberals who “represent” them. School vouchers and school choice are options overwhelmingly supported by the black population but overwhelmingly opposed by black and white liberals who have to appease their apparently more important voting bloc: teachers’ unions. As a result, the teachers get what they want, the black parents do not, but both vote for the same guy. Even Karl Rove couldn’t figure this one out.
Blacks also oppose gay marriage, support faith-based initiatives, and even – hold your breath liberals – attend church! Now I see why the Democrats court this bloc so furiously, they obviously share the same values.