Democratic Think Tank Study Finds Harry Reid and Senate Dems are Responsible for Gridlock
"As if it wasn’t obvious before, we now have a liberal leaning think tank blaming Senate Democrats for all the trouble the government has been having lately. Newest analysis from the Brookings Institution points directly at the Democrat-controlled Senate to blame for the congressional gridlock."
"Justifying this conclusion the analysis opens with the observation that the House has passed twice as many bills as the Senate in 2013. Mostly to blame is the Senate committee process."
Dirty Harry strikes again!
fratfraud: "obstruct and blame, obstruct and blame, obsruct and...say whaaaat????"
Yep, you knew if fratfraud believed it with every fiber of his being, it just had to be wrong. And - surprise! - it is!
Has this clown EVER been right about ANYTHING in his sad life? face)(*^%
"As if it wasn’t obvious before, we now have a liberal leaning think tank blaming Senate Democrats for all the trouble the government has been having lately. Newest analysis from the Brookings Institution points directly at the Democrat-controlled Senate to blame for the congressional gridlock."
"Justifying this conclusion the analysis opens with the observation that the House has passed twice as many bills as the Senate in 2013. Mostly to blame is the Senate committee process."
Dirty Harry strikes again!
fratfraud: "obstruct and blame, obstruct and blame, obsruct and...say whaaaat????"
Yep, you knew if fratfraud believed it with every fiber of his being, it just had to be wrong. And - surprise! - it is!
Has this clown EVER been right about ANYTHING in his sad life? face)(*^%